New pricing for the PICKLED MAGIC TRILOGY

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Feb 4, 2022
Hi, everyone, yet another unashamed promo post for my series of books; but before anyone stabs me with a sharpened apostrophe, I do have permission for this post from the generous administrator, Tonyblack.

What I would like to let you all to know is that there has been a significant price-change for my trilogy: Pickled Magic. The original, inflated price – at least for the paperbacks – was down to Amazon’s pricing algorithm, which increased my own suggested price in order to give them a greater percentage share of the sales. This has now been satisfactorily adjusted downwards and my books are now easily affordable for everyone. I also have a new website. If you haven’t heard about the trilogy - which in reality is as long as four normal-length books - here is a brief synopsis:

Apprentice wizard, Walter Farmfound, was born with the rare and precious gift of the ferocious Wild Magic, which is almost impossible to control, at least not without terraforming everything within a half mile radius because it’s an unstoppable force of nature, completely unhinged and with a life and an agenda all of its own. It also talks to him; but is it his magic or something else, something darker, that is whispering from the moist safety deep within Walter’s mind?

The apprentice desperately clings to the hope that when his magic is finally unleashed and theoretically under his untrained control, he will at last be able to make the bullies of his past pay for all their years of pain, embarrassment and dreadful trials; because who in their right mind messes with a proper wizard, huh?

Unfortunately, Walter is only able to call upon his all-powerful and untameable magic when he’s completely sozzled, or partying hard with the faeyries. Although once he is
Pickled he is no longer beset by any of those pesky, restraining inhibitions, or quite possibly a single functioning brain cell; so what could possibly go wrong?

Unfortunately, due to an alcoholic step-father and older brother, Walter strives to avoid the demon drinky; which proves to be a more serious problem than at first glance, since the singular potion that could, potentially, unlock Walter’s incredible magic - and quite possibly his dreams of some serious payback - is over ninety percent proof.

After several disastrous, but hysterical magical incidents back home - including one unforgettable afternoon with a very hungry, sentient compost heap - Walter is discovered by Mufti, a wizard Seeker, and is brought to the Wizards to be indentured to Senior Wizard, Marlyn.

Walter fervently wants to be a real wizard, a proper wizard, that is if he ever manages to complete his apprenticeship and survives his Master’s relentless tests, and the Senior Wizard’s helpful, booze-based potions.

Wizards and Dragons
begins at a gentle pace, but quickly develops into a hilarious, Pratchett-esque journey of unruly discovery, naughtiness, puns and ever more wild and eccentric characters and events.

The laughter and surprises as Walter’s story unfolds will envelop the reader in an ever-increasing torrent of crazy, unexpected twists and turns of Wild Magic and even wilder and ever more irreverent characters whom the apprentice encounters on his quest to free his irrepressible magic in order to right the wrongs of his past, to confront his childhood bullies and finally give them a taste of his reality.

It may appear this trilogy is focussed on the desperate craving for magic for revenge against bullies, which it is, but the story goes far deeper than something as base and as mundane as payback. What they illustrate is the healing power of laughter and love, surprising friendships, perseverance and hope. Readers are encouraged to decide for themselves.

Why not take a chance you definitely won’t regret making? As well as all the laugh-out-loud moments it’s got trolls, Hellves, a powerful, enigmatic witch, warring barons, centaurs, a centuries-dead sorcerer, a dragon, a decadent prince and princess, the possibility of an inter-species war and a crazy duck; because what serious comic fantasy doesn’t feature a duck? These books have also been written as my own personal tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett.

If you don’t wish to purchase the entire trilogy you could dive straight in with the climactic Book 3, which, in my opinion is the best of the three and coming in at double the length of any normal book in this genre at a whopping 770 pages; although you may miss out on the why’s, the where’s, the who’s and the entertainment contained in the first two books.

They are all on Amazon’s platform worldwide and priced at £1.99 for Book 1, and £2.99 for Books 2 and 3 in Kindle format; paperback versions also available, and also a Giant Omnibus Edition containing all three:


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Feb 4, 2022
Thank you, Tonyblack. It’s not doing too badly, but it’s a case of getting your name out there, plus positive reviews. Over 80 people took the free book offer, but I haven’t had a single review from any of them. Will start the new one soon. Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout the year. It really helps

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