Tonyblack said:
I'll probably get this on DVD at some stage, but I can't get excited by it after seeing the other movie. To me it's almost as if they made a film of Discworld but set it on a square world carried on the backs of three hippos that stood on the back of a whale. I love Star Trek, but just can't get over the way they've basically thrown the years and years of back-story away and just kept the names.
It bothers me a little that on the face of it the new time line has arguably destroyed the previous time line so all those other series 'never happened', but I think the official position they are taking is that the time travel incident created an alternative reality and that the original time line still exists. I know that doesn't necessarily fit in with the way time travel has worked in Star Trek stories, but maybe it works differently in some circumstances than others. And Doctor Who is hardly consistent in the way it handles the 'rules' of time travel either.
So all that back story still happened, kind of thing.
I also find J.J. Abrams to be totally unlikeable and the sycophancy in the special features of his first Star Trek movie of all the people who thought he was the greatest thing in Hollywood history, was nauseating.
I don't like the guy playing Kirk and I don't like the way he plays him. That is not the James Kirk I know. The whole thing about - well he had a different upbringing because of the events in the first film, I find unsatisfactory.
Well, there's no getting around the fact that he's a new character, who happened to have been exactly the same unborn baby as the Kirk in the 'Prime' reality... I don't mind that myself, but we're all different.
It's like someone who has never seen Star Trek before just decided that everything created before was just rubbish and they were going to use a sci-fi plot device to allow them carte blanche to rewrite the whole thing the way they wanted to.
I really don't think that was the inttention. I think it's meant to be kind of set 'after' everything that's gone before, triggered by Romulus getting destroyed in the future of the Prime reality.
You might have guessed that I'm pretty miffed by it all. And before anyone says: it's just a film, then stop and think of David Jason as Rincewind and say it's just a film. :snooty: :snooty: :snooty:
I can certainly detect an air of miffedness.
Well, I thought The Colour Of Magic adaptation was all right.
Not great though.
And I like the 'snooty' emoticon code.