raisindot said:
After all the events of Lilac Day transpire, Vimes and Carcer are simply removed from that timeline and moved "to the future." while the amended future continues its merry way. In the new future, "young Vimes" grows up to be old Vimes, who still should look like Vimes/Kell (except for the scar?). But when he returned to the present, shouldn't the *real* Vimes have encountered the "young Sam Vimes grown to be old Vimes" of the amended timeline just as the Vimes of today encountered his younger self in Lilac days, or did Lu Tze somehow take care of that little paradox as well...er....ummm....brain hurts.....
Think of it this way - 2 timelines, but not necessarily the same
length in 'real happening time' which is the 'present'.
#1 timeline is the original and has been running in real happening time for 30 odd years (or however long it is since the 1st lilac day) where the
authentic and unique John Keel was always himself and that's who's remembered by Dr. Lawn up until the time storm, because it
was John Keel - the same John Keel who has his own grave and stone and is
still the same dead John Keel
after Vimes is returned to real happening time by virtue of the History Monks doing the slick switch.
#2 timeline runs from when the storm regurgitates Carcer and Sam back in time - from
that moment in real happening time, #2 timeline
replaces #1 timeline
in the future.
When Vimes and Carcer return to A-M in real happening time
#2 timeline is now running instead of #1, effectively wiping everyone's memory of #1 timeline - from that point in real happening time everyone's memory of Keel is the older Vimes 'model'.

I feel v. groggy.
So in effect time is memory or perhaps experience? :twisted:
#1 timeline
ceases to have happened when Carcer and Vime return to their proper real happening timeline, and so when they come back, #2 timeline is now embedded and
has always happened.
#2 timeline - for those who knew John Keel well enough - begins 30 odd years ago, from when Vimes takes the place of the unique John Keel who dies in a back alley and is then taken into the protective custody of Lu Tze and several days later put back into #2 timeline when Vimes returns to his rightful time slot.
#2 timeline is only a few days old, but is now embedded in Vimes own memory and in Lawn's and Vetinari's as happening 30 odd years in the past. The Watch members present at lilac day will only remember young Sam being there with them during the revolution because John Keel's impersonator
was John Keel near enough and because they didn't
know the Duke of Ankh back then. Remember people are v. good at not recalling stuff that will upset them, so it's young Sam and not the Duke that Nobby and Colon fought with on the barricades
Lawn's and Vetinari's memories are now updated and cognisant, but only because they
didn't know young Sam, so they don't have such a huge conflict to get over