I've been on a Terry kick lately... finished re-reading "The Wee Free Men", "Jingo", "Going Postal" and now "Night Watch". Awesome! Here are some of my thoughts...
Moments of Brilliance
* There is lot of play around visibility and invisibility in Vetinari's storyline (and in the novel in general, actually). Vetinari 'gets' invisibility more than the other assassins. He realises that wearing black-only clothes, as is the Guild policy, makes one MORE visible, and that animal-inspired colour and pattern are more effective at creating camouflage. Black actually makes his fellow assassins stand out like a sore thumb. Fast-forward to his Patricianship, and he is noted for ONLY wearing black clothes. As an assassin he wanted invisibility. As the Patrician he wants to be highly visible. Genius. Plus, it justifies how he was able to observe the final events of Vimes' sojourn in the past without Vimes noticing he was there.
* In a rare case of Fridge Heartwarming, consider that Vimes and his Treacle Mine Road allies have spent the last thirty years feeling somber every 25th of May. But from now on, those who know Vimes well won't see it solely as a day to be mourned, because it's also Young Sam's birthday.
Moments of Horror
* Just take a second to imagine what must have had to happen to the sweet, optimistic, puppy-dog young Vimes to turn him into the bitter, self-loathing, apathetic alcoholic that we remember from “Guards! Guards!”. At least we know he eventually gets better.
* What Vimes and the gang find in the Unmentionables' dungeons. A woman who'd gone into labour, people who'd been tortured and people who'd been mind-raped... including some who could not walk or did not understand that they were free. I could not help crying when I read about how Vimes removed his knife and... "gave what little help he could."
I sincerely hope that I'd never have to make a decision like that. :-(
Moments of Pure Funny
* A hilarious sequence involving a barricade, a stupid soldier, and a somewhat more intelligent commander.
"If you listen, you will realize that it is merely the national anthem sung rather badly."
"Can't have rebels singing that, sir!"
"Singing the national anthem and waving the flag while suspicious, are not, in themselves, acts of treason."
* Detritus' training song for the new recruits:
Now we sing dis stupid song!
Sing it as we run along!
Why we sing dis we don't know!
We can't make the words rhyme properly!
Sound off!
One, two!
Sound off!
Many, lots!
Sound off!
Er, what?
* Venturi and Selachii at the party — as Arch Enemies they agree on nothing, but etiquette demands that they are polite to one another and, at least at social gatherings, talk without getting into an argument. They solve this by only talking about things it's completely impossible for even them to disagree about:
Selachii: This is a party.
Venturi: Indeed. I see you are standing upright.
Selachii: Indeed. So are you, I see.
Venturi: Indeed. Indeed. On that subject, I notice many others are doing the same thing.
Selachii: Which is not to say that the horizontal position does not have its merits when it comes to, for example, sleeping.
Venturi: Quite so. Obviously that would not be done here.
Selachii: Oh, indeed. Indeed.
* Many of the soldiers sent against the barricade come from the very neighborhoods behind the barricade. This makes their job more difficult, as their grandmothers are up on the barricade, threatening to tell everyone about what they did when they were eleven...
* You Do Not Drop Your Mates In The Cacky. Full stop.
Anyway, I've been going on for a while. What do you think, hmm?