October Horror Fest.

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Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Dotsie said:
pip said:
I have Insidious ready for tomorrow night
*snore* Could not have been less scared by that film.

I'll watch some zombie films I think, and something Japanese - those people know how to write a ghost story (watching the original Grudge I almost wet my pants).
Gotta agree with Dotsie on this one.

We have that SBS station here that shows all foreign movies. The only truly freak me out for days movies I have ever seen are from Japan or Korea. WIll ask the teen what the name of the last one was. Soooo scarey.


Dec 7, 2010
Hello Dave? Is that Dave?

Well, now that I got that obligatory League of Gentlemen reference out of the way, I just wondered, DaveC, if you have ever read House of Leaves. This is a pretty disturbing book, but a good one.


Dec 7, 2010
DaveC said:
No I haven't. Do tell. :)
Well, let's just say that it is an excellent psychological horror novel with more layers than a mutant onion. But the base story, stripping off the layers, is about a house that grows more interior dimensions, rather like a malevolent TARDIS.

House of Leaves, by Mark Danielewski. Get it from the library at the very least. It's a good Halloween read.

Just don't blame me if you want to put measuring tapes all over your house...


Dec 7, 2010
DaveC said:
deldaisy said:
Quatermass said:
Hello Dave? Is that Dave?
Dave's not here man!

I think Q meant this!
Got it in one, DaveC! :laugh:

I love The League of Gentlemen.

Hey, speaking of which, given that it is a mix of comedy and horror elements, try The League of Gentlemen and the, uh, pseudo-sequel, Psychoville.

deldaisy said:
I like mine better :laugh:

That book sounds good though.
You should see the 2001: A Space Odyssey version... :laugh:

The book is excellent, but it's also pretty scary. House of Leaves.

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