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Oct 18, 2012
Can anyone please help with a dilemma that i have with a paperback and if anyone has had the same thing before. it's certainly a first for me. What it is that on a couple of pages the book has got what can only be described as light brown streaks,as if some liquid has been splashed onto the page,now at first i thought that it was that, but the marks are only on one of the pages and go round into the spine not touching the adjacent page, which is a bit baffling so i just wondered if anyone has had similar and could explain what they were? o_O


Oct 18, 2012
Hi Guys, Its Sourcery(1988) as i say its like when you flick a paintbrush across a page but it only goes on one page and down into the spine without touching the adjacent page. One page its pretty bad on a couple but others just the od fleck, it's on about 3 or 4 pages, haven't got it with me at the moment, You can still read the page ok though :think:

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