I'd still like to see Vimes travel back in time again* to the Ankh Morpork Civil War where he would have to take the place of Old Stoneface. The thought of the moral conundrums involved in executing Carrot's grandfather (many times removed) and the opportunities for parodying Cromwell's puritanism and the English Civil War are many-fold.
*According to DW Laws of Magic, once something has been done to a body once it becomes easier the next time. (I could well be wrong here, but I believe this was the explanation for how Greebo was able to change to human form in times of stress somewhere, possibly in Maskerade?)
Carrot leaving AM and seeing how Vimes and the Watch cope.
While its been firmly established that Vimes is a great cop its also suggested that the Watch only works as a genuine force with Carrots influence i.e. his organization within the ranks and the effect he has on the AM population.
Carrot leaving AM and seeing how Vimes and the Watch cope.
While its been firmly established that Vimes is a great cop its also suggested that the Watch only works as a genuine force with Carrots influence i.e. his organization within the ranks and the effect he has on the AM population.
I thought Carrot was great in Thud. Is it me though or does he have mild aspergus? He seems to take things 100% literally and is fastidius about his job to the point of fault... in fact he shares quite a few traits with the various people I know who have the condition... clever writing I thinks.
I would love for there to be another book involving the Amazing Maurice and his rodents. As an owner of 3 dumbo ratties I found it hilarious. Such a special book and my first TP as well. Don't think it will happen though, the ending is dissapointingly neat
Taking things literally is, we are told, very much a dwarf trait. When you work and live underground there is no room for mistaken meanings. If someone shouts 'duck!' you don't reply 'what duck?'
Sharlene and I were talking about The Truth and I commented that I'd like to know more about Mr Tulip, the church he and all the villagers were hiding in and why. It seems to have been an event that changed his life and made him the psycho that he became.
I want more on Vetinari... his childhood, his parents. And then a surprise... like he falls in love or discovers he has a twin brother who is his intellectual equal. He's such a powerful character it would be nice to have a story about his foibles.
I once got hit by the weird idea that Charlie (Vetinari's doppelganger from the Truth) is actually the antropormorphic personification of all the charactertraits Vetinari left behind in order to become what he is now.
i don't think that's a weird idea. i mean, there's lots of magic and religion on discworld, and knowing the patrician, that could be very well something he'd do.
I have a book plot. People are turning up all over A-M with their wallets nicked and their heads bashed in. People are dying at an alarming rates and the guilds' are suspicious and not co-operating. A job for the Watch, methinks.
I'd like to see a book where it shows:
Vetinari pre Patrician
What happened in Uberwald (coughmargolottacough!)
A little bit of history as to the Vetinari family. We have been told they are a powerful and influential family but who are they and who is in it, other than his Aunty that is!
ive always wanted the last terry pratchett book to be called the lost king
Carrot accidentally becomes king (Because there is always a king lying around somewhere) and all the while he doesnt want to be king
the patrician doesnt want him as king (Could mean he has to take care of carrot himself rather than use other assassins because Comander vimes is always at his side and not even the best assassins has managed to kill vimes off yet) So the patrician has to take to getting rid of carrot on his own (NOW WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE THAT)
The wizzards don't want him as king but they don't like to get involved with such affairs but they don't like change
The merchants want him as king because it adds to the prestige of ank
The guards don't want a king but they have to uphold the law and the law states they have to protect the king