The actor, James Marsters, seems to like playing villains. He played Braniac in Smallville, and Captain John Hart in Torchwood. Oh, and Piccolo in Dragonball: Evolution, but the less said about that, the better.
The actor, James Marsters, seems to like playing villains. He played Braniac in Smallville, and Captain John Hart in Torchwood. Oh, and Piccolo in Dragonball: Evolution, but the less said about that, the better.
I enjoyed that Dragonball film, never saw the series, though. No one else likes the film but it was exactly what I hoped it what be a very literal translation of anime. There's a bit where the main guy combs his hair and it springs back into place with a BOING! noise.
Oh, sorry. I didn't know that happened. I'm a bit rusty on which show happened when. I thought Buffy had finished (but not Angel) by the time Firefly came around. Oh well.
I'm so blissfully ignorant towards these shows (okay, buffy I saw and it got stupid, firefly never ran here...angel I watched... though I like mr borenaz (sp? never get it right and am too lazy to check Xx ) better in Bones )
I only know some Buffy. Spike really was a great character. He could play Lord Vassenego in an Eric film (deperate attempt at getting this back to Eric ).
Edit: Just tried that Anagrammator.
Me = Acerbic Thinkers
Well, I'm only one, but I can be acerbic at times .