1 Bedtime
The little girl climbed into bed, her father reassured her that he'd checked everywhere. She nodded, it wasn't his fault.
Everyone knows what a spider sounds like when it moves, the muted scuttle of many hairy legs across a wooden floorboard or behind an ancient bookcase, and yet, it never occurs to them to wonder how they know this.
House spiders are of course too small to make any noise audible to the human ear. These weren't house spiders, they weren't even really spiders.
She pulled the covers over her head as he turned out the light, the scurrying began.
-This is so difficult, you can't expect this of me. How can I choose only one of you?
-You said I was your true hero, said Aragorn
-yes, you are but
-I thought you had decided to protect the four lands with me, said Allanon
-And I intend to, but
-And I was your soulmate, said Raistlin
-Well, what I meant...
-You know, I have work to attend to, so if you would be so kind as to make a quick decision, said Vetinari
-This is ridiculous, I can't go through this any time I want to reread a book!