QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett OBE!'

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Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Re: A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett OBE - win a copy!

Ooooo! I'm in for this!

Can you give a bit of a generous deadline to complete the quiz to account for us backward timezone folks> :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett OBE - win a copy!

There's no deadline Jeff - I'll post the quiz at 1400Hrs GMT on Sat 23rd August as that'll be more or less fair on US and Aussie fans at either end of the day. Then it'll go until someone either gets them all right or for a week or so to give people opportunity to get their answers in if it comes down to who's got the most right :laugh:


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Re: A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett OBE - win a copy!

Jan Van Quirm said:
There's no deadline Jeff - I'll post the quiz at 1400Hrs GMT on Sat 23rd August as that'll be more or less fair on US and Aussie fans at either end of the day. Then it'll go until someone either gets them all right or for a week or so to give people opportunity to get their answers in if it comes down to who's got the most right :laugh:
Pooh isn't getting involved, is he? You don't want to resurrect all that quiz baggage.... :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett OBE - win a copy!


:clap: :dance: Win a bona fide copy of the Folio presented to attendees of the 9th Discworld Convention 2014 in Manchester :dance: :clap:

All you have to do is answer all the questions below (make sure to look at the bonus question with some of them) and then PM your answers to Jan Van Quirmhttp://www.terrypratchett.co.uk/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&action=quotepost&p=317301

Do NOT post your answers in here - I'll post the answers and rankings once we have a winner! :twisted:

The Quiz will run until someone scores 100% or until 2 pm on 6th September 2014 when the highest scorer will be declared the winner ;)

1- What is it considered bad form to eat at the Mended Drum?

2- Where's the place to go where everyone knows your shape?

3- In addition to the obvious what does The Dwarf Bread Museum also provide a home for?

4- What is the connection between The Eightfold Seal of Stasis and Ricewind’s sock?

5- Sergeant Colon was said to have had a broad education.

5a) Which school did he go to?

5b) Which college did he attend ?

5c) Which university was he a post-graduate student in?

6- What is the technical term for someone who, like Archchancellor Ridcully, regards meals as no more than a foundation for salt, pepper, mustard, pickles, ketchup and sauce?

7- How is the Discworld regular with the dwarfish name of Sh’rt’azs more commonly known?

8- what is the name of Archchancellor Ridcully’s more religious brother?

9- Who is the current President of the Thieves Guild and what is his nickname?

10- On what night (there's a bonus point for an exact answer) and where, was the Three Jolly Luck Take Away Fish Bar opened.

10a)- What actually happened there?

10b) What did the owner inadvertently leave behind

11- Who runs a boarding house on Elm St and what kind of clientele does it cater for? (Bonus for the full name)

11a)- What is remarkable about her hat?

12- Who will Mrs. Marietta Cosmopolite (3 Quirm Street) NOT rent rooms to?

12a) During the craze for Moving Pictures what exalted position did she hold with one of the big clicks studios

13- How does Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler officially describe his profession?

13a)- What is the sovereign ingredient that Throat says people will eat anything with if there's enough of it?

14- Who is Chairperson for The Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons?

15- Close to the Cattle Market what would you go to the place known as Harkin for?

16- What was the Ankh-Morpork view of crime and punishment?

17- Who were the Nougat Knights?

18- The renowned General Tacticus wrote of a particularly bloody skirmish that took place 'where' in Ankh-Morpork?

19- Finish the old Dwarf proverb - Any 3 dwarfs having a sensible conversation will always end up...?

20- What do dwarfs call the sheer pleasure about what you are doing and where you are doing it?

21- Why was creative writing such a hazardous pursuit during the reign of Patrician Olaf Quimby II of Ankh?

22- What is the name of the boarding school where the upper crust of A-M send their sons and why?

23- What and where is Death's favourite late night restaurant?

23a)- Why do their menus contain so many typos?

24- At Gimlet's Hole Food Delicatessen what type of Rat do they sell?

25- There's a Tea Room on Horspath near the Deosil Gate that shares its name with a famous Roundworld literary Inn. What's it called?

26- Unseen University is keen on promoting its water sports and holds a boat race up the river Ankh. Because of the nature of the Ankh except in times of flood -

a)- How is the race carried out and how many students in a team?

b)- What is the race called?

c)- Where does the race start and end?

d)- What title is bestowed on the winning team?

e)- What are the winners awarded?

27- Unseen University Library requires users to promise not to bring into the library any fire or flame – echoing which Roundworld library?

28- In a dwarf bar it's suicide to ask for what?

Remember: PM your answers to me - NO POSTING IN HERE

And a reminder - this is loosely based on the QI format so there's at least 1 Nobody Knows answer in there! :twisted:


Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

Certainly is! :laugh: I have spare everything from the goodie bags so if we have enough people going for this then there may other prizes up for grabs for runners up... ;)

Also - in case of a draw situation we'll call on an adjudicator (who's attended the convention) to help with a tie-breaker :p


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

Jan Van Quirm said:
Hard huh? :twisted: :laugh:

Just in case anyone noticed - I had to edit the quiz post to correct the final date for answers from 6th December to SEPTEMBER - d'OH! :doh:
Arrrgh!!! I thought I had loads of timw. :doh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

:oops: weeeeell - let's see how many people can get answers in by then (Sept 6th) and perhaps it can be extended if people are finding it hard to get through?

What I can do if entry is slow is to score you as we go and let you know how many you've got wrong so you can have two bites at it (and if nobody gets it all right first go?) :shifty:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

Well we have one entry and the field is still wide open to the deadline on 6th September although I have to say that this entrant has come pretty close with 4 of his (still wrong) answers almost but not quite there! :twisted:

20 out of 28 is the current respectable score to beat, although I will be letting someone know the questions where I just need a smidge more detail so the score could go up to 24 - can you do better? :p

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

Come on you chaps! There can't be just the 1 person wanting this most excellent prize? :angry-tappingfoot:

Just to remind you the deadline for entries is supposed to be Saturday the 6th September at 1400H GMT (London)
I may consider extending this (again) if there are no more entries by then - but then again I may not... :naughty:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

Well the grapevine has been a-twitter and it's come to my attention that some of you have been having tech probs and/or got confused by my boo-boo with originally saying the deadline was 6th December and not 6th Setpember...

Soooooo - the final deadline for entries to this competition will now be extended to

Saturday 27th September 2014 at 1400Hrs GMT (London)

Also please note that I have a number of other spot prizes to give away from the convention goody bag and the gala dindins so your chances of winning something might be quite high! :twisted:


Nov 14, 2009
North East England
Re: QUIZ TIME!!!!! Win 'A Present from Sir Terry Pratchett O

Oo-er! I'd given up due to being quite busy with work lately but I'll certainly try a bit harder now. Hadn't got very far to be honest :shifty: Do we have to get every part of the multi-answer questions right to score one point for the question?

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