Just finished the audiobook.
Yes, the style's changed, but that change was evident in Snuff too so why is anyone surprised? I don't like the long, unnatural speeches the characters make in the later books when apparently in conversation, but it didn't bother me as much in this book as it did in Snuff.
What this really is, for the first half of the book at least, is a spotter's guide to Discworld (nicely appropriate that - this book should really come with a ticklist and an anorak). I'm in no doubt that this book would be a real turn-off if I came to it cold or having read only one or two other DW books, but the first half of the book is so dense with old characters popping up, and sly references to events in past books, that I couldn't help but enjoy it - it made me feel like a complete geek to be honest. And the events whizzed past, with humour and quite a lot of darkness (lots of people killed in this book!) only really interrupted by the odd monologue's Terry seems to love now.
The train journey itself was well-written. The use of the buried golems was brilliant and I kicked myself for not figuring that out before it happened, but the flying train is one of the best images in any of the 40 DW books. I liked Vimes in this book much more than in Snuff where he was a bit of a 'Superman' and particularly liked the relationship he and Moist developed with a mutual respect growing between the two of them.
I have to say, having just re-read Monstrous Regiment, I did groan initially when the Low King 'came out'. I was half-expecting a conveyor belt of previously male characters turning out to be women. But it was a nice touch as it closed the chapter Cheery Littlebottom started all those years before.
Finally, the little twist at the end about where Vetinari had been was also great, remiscent of Night Watch.
Maybe we need a thread
just to list the references to other DW books in Raising Steam, because I don't think there are many that weren't referred to in some way or another. As I said, spotter's guide defintely needed!