As this thread is already titled 'Rant' don't mind if I now use it to rant away about the german publisher and their handling of them book.
For some reason (*coughgreedcough*) not only did they switch to provide their own covers instead of paying to use those of Kirby, Kidby or Simonetti, they are also making a full new translation.
Granted, the original translations of Andreas Brandhorst sometimes missed their goal, but heavens, they were unbelievable magnificent to the new ones.
Which read at several points like... incredible dull and generally horrible.
It just doesn't flow, and if it does for one or two sentences the new translator apparently felt obliged to used 150% grammatical correct forms no matter if no living person (not even someone who has excelled in German Studies) talks/writes like that. (And with the new translation of Reaper Man, which will come out in October, they will change tranlators again apparently...)
Anyway, to end this rant, lemme link you the lovely new, Germany-exclusive covers:
Moving Pictures
Reaper Man
(Links lead to pages of
Thank you for your time.