red dwarf x

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Aug 12, 2008
swansea south wales
i watched it last night and was really surprised how good it was, no spoilers but it looked like the writers had taken it back to its earlier roots, i found it very funny with a couple of laugh out loud moments which for me is bloody rare :laugh: :laugh:


Dec 29, 2009
I was a bit worried that they were maybe stretching it too far and it would be awful after such a long gap. I'm glad I was wrong and I really enjoyed it. Like you Chris, I rarely laugh out loud at tv programs but found quite a few bits that caught me. On the whole, a very promising start to the series. :laugh:


Dec 7, 2010
I actually read in Tom Baker's autobiography that a 'rimmer' was army slang for someone who tried to avoid VD by oral sex.

Which is ironic, as fellating an orangutan is amongst the many things Rimmer would do simultaneously if it meant becoming an officer. It's in the first book, Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, though I forget whether he said that in the TV show.

Actually, there's a deleted scene in Rimmerworld that details the fates of Rimmer's brothers. Can't find it on YouTube, but the upshot was that Arnold Rimmer is actually less insane than his supposedly successful brothers ended up.


Dec 7, 2010
Here's the actual complete quote for you, Bouncy. Just 'cause I want to hear you scream in horror again. :twisted:

Given the opportunity, he [Rimmer] would gladly have had his eyes scooped out if it meant he could become and officer. He would happily have inserted two red hot needles simultaneously through both his ears so they met in the middle of his brain, and tap-danced the title song from 42nd Street barefoot on a bed of molten lava while giving oral sex to a male orang-utan with dubious personal hygiene, if only it meant attaining that single, elusive golden bar of an Astronavigation Officer, Fourth Class.

But he had to do something much more demanding, much more impossible, and much more unpleasant. He had to pass the astronavigation exam.
You may now scream in horror again, Bouncy. :twisted:


Dec 7, 2010
I've just watched almost the entire series back to back, and just finished Back to Earth for the first time. I found Back to Earth a bit meh. The storyline, while decent, was done before, and better, by the League of Gentlemen. There were some good dramatic notes with Lister and Kochanski. Not too sure about the surplus of Blade Runner references, though.

I'm just hoping Red Dwarf X is an improvement. Anyone want to reassure me that Red Dwarf X is a return to form?
Apr 29, 2009
I watched a couple of eppys yesterday, and they're not bad. Better than Back to Earth, but then again, Back to Earth was ten times better than most of the stuff they dish us up today.


Dec 7, 2010
Which isn't saying much. It's like saying that Kingswood Country is the best Aussie comedy show of all time. But then again, its only serious competition, IMO, is Kath & Kim and Double the Fist. :rolleyes:


Dec 7, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
Since I've only ever heard of K&K, that doesn't mean a lot to me.

Well, I heard that Kingswood Country was very much like Till Death Us Do Part, with Ted Bullpitt being an Aussie Alf Garnett (you know the type, a blustering right wing bigot). BTW, dunno whether you have ads for Mortein in the UK, Bouncy, but the guy who plays Bullpitt also does the voice for Louie the Fly.

Double the Fist, well, it can best be described as the basic concept of Jackass (you know, idiots doing idiotic stunts) and taking it to ridiculous (and fictional) levels. The first episode has to have them jumping off a cliff and surviving without the help of ropes. One tries to long jump into the ocean to avoid the rocks, another uses a batman style outfit to glide, and another uses a ridiculous amount of bubble-wrap to shield his body. Surprisingly, it's the last one who survives. Yes, the contestants die (sometimes more than once per episode). So you see that it is a ridiculously macho comedy, rather than a real-life stunt series, though there are one or two real life segments, like daring people to drink bin juice. I kid ye not. :|

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