DaveC said:
pip said:
I just find the reviews interesting but they will never change wether or not i'll see a film.
and you don't have to read the books but it helps.
LOTRs was great in both formats and run before Jan gets you.
Shall I stop postin' em.
Don't you DARE stop posting these!
Just because the 2nd & 3rd of the Trilogy movies were riddled with canon holes and the cop-out ending with not a blow being struck in the Shire was bloody criminal doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the films on all kinds of levels. The book's obviously far better, but the one thing I really did love about all the films, but especially FotR (the 1st one) was the locations concept and realisation which were absolutely superb, in particular the Shire, Rivendell, Lothlorien and, strangely enough the Emyn Muil right at the end of FotR, where Sam and Frodo were looking into Mordor - that bit had me in tears of wonder it was so 'beautiful', eerie and right.
The HP films I've seen (up to Goblet) are much the same with the locations and the casting, as I've said already is brilliant, in the main both character-wise and physically (Gary Oldman was great as Sirius but wasn't good-looking or, even worse, tall enough to carry him off entirely). Some of the fantasy animals are rather strange and Dobby's too much like Gollum (I know Dobby was on the movie screens first more or less) because Andy Serkis' Gollum was so bang on with bells on, I still think of Dobby as derivative in that respect in the book, along with the rest of the stuff she's borrowed from all over and re-spun. Everybody does that, even Tolkien, so that's a not a problem, but the first time we saw Gollum in the Trilogy everyone laughed because he
was so much like Dobby in appearance and it just ruined the moment, even though it was funny
I probably
won't go to the cinema to see this (I'm the only 'see how it goes' peep still) but that's mainly because of the popularity aspect and I hate crowds and cinema audiences especially (in terms of behaviour - I'm a shush-er), whether or not they're full of kids, plus I haven't seen films 5 & 6 yet either. Or if I do it'll be on a wet Weds in the New Year when the schools are back at the 10am showing as they're really great for not being crowded.