Richard Dawkins?

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
poohcarrot said:
Do most christians believe they are guarenteed 100% a place in heaven? o_O
Catholics don't. The priesthood and Catholic schools never stop telling you that you are a sinner and are going to be punished for it. Catholics spend most of their lives apologising for stuff they haven't actually done.

Most Catholics hope that they'll go to Purgatory and that their families will pray for them. Purgatory is like some sort of ethereal soul valeting service. Eventually, once your soul is clean enough, you might be let into Heaven.

Catholics think that you are born with the stain of Original Sin (the sins of Adam and Eve) on your soul and that can only be cleansed by the sacrament of Baptism.

It's a hard life being a Catholic and you don't have much to look forward to when you die. :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
You have to wonder if all these Catholic priests guilty of sexual molestation of children, actually believe in an afterlife. If they do believe that they will be judged for their sins, then I'd love to be a fly on the Pearly Gates when they arrive there.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Tonyblack said:
poohcarrot said:
Do most christians believe they are guarenteed 100% a place in heaven? o_O
Catholics don't. The priesthood and Catholic schools never stop telling you that you are a sinner and are going to be punished for it. Catholics spend most of their lives apologising for stuff they haven't actually done.

Most Catholics hope that they'll go to Purgatory and that their families will pray for them. Purgatory is like some sort of ethereal soul valeting service. Eventually, once your soul is clean enough, you might be let into Heaven.

Catholics think that you are born with the stain of Original Sin (the sins of Adam and Eve) on your soul and that can only be cleansed by the sacrament of Baptism.

It's a hard life being a Catholic and you don't have much to look forward to when you die. :laugh:
Mum was a catholic Tony... she didn't believe all that bunkem. She was VERY careful to keep up away from the "extreme" catholics. "Don't you dare believe all that... God's NICE! no matter what they say!" :laugh:

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Speaking from a position of some dubious authority (being a horribly lapsed Catholic and v. proud of that) we were taught that everyone could potentially go to heaven regardless of creed, colour, race or sexual persuasion (although you'd have to try pretty damned hard with the last one :rolleyes: ). The clincher however is... PURGATORY! :twisted:

Not hell, but a pretty squalid 'burb betwixt the Black Pit and Heaven :rolleyes: Liek Tony's said this is where all sinners (which of course is practically everyone except possibly Mary Mother of God :p ) go to serve a term of suitable punishment until you've paid for your evil deeds and are cleaned up enough to pass muster at the Pearly Gates. :rolleyes:

So - in theory - Hitler, having been born into a Catholic family (not Catholic you notice, just the potential to be one), eshewing God and animal meat products altogether, killing several million people for no good reason and making many more millions of lives blighted and bereaved, if, on taking his own life (itself a major sin of course), he for one millisecond before the cyanide kicked in though GOODNESS! I WAS WRONG ALL ALONG FORGIVE ME O LORD! and REALLY MEANT IT... - hey presto! He would be off the hook and off to Purgatory instead of Hellfire and damnation. How long he'd have to stay there is then the next stumbling block and of course there'd be plenty of other souls in there with the Star of David hovering around them not wanting to make his stay there too pleasant so lert's live in hope that he'd be there for most of eternity if that's possible.

It also rather neatly and justly puts rabid b*stards like Fred Phelps and his merry bunch of self-righteous retards related or otherwise right down into their scabby biggotted places, so it's not quite so kitsch and PC as it seems, so much as good PR where everyone does get what's coming to them to some degree :laugh:

Like I keep saying Catholics get guilt as much as Jews, 'cos it's all the same One God - only when he's called Allah he's got more gonads and goes proactive and ups his sales pitch so you can have a good punch-up on your way to Heaven without getting too worried about the consequences... :devil:

Everyone can get in - it's just a question of how much resistance you're prepared to put into that whilst you have a pulse :twisted:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
God is not nice! :devil:

He's not forgiving - hence saddling Catholics with a sin that they didn't even commit.

He created Adam and Eve (if we are to believe the Bible) and when they didn't measure up to his expectations, he threw a strop and kicked them out. Never mind that his original design was obviously flawed, or they would have behaved themselves. Not just that, but because he decided (according to the Bible) that his design for women was particularly bad, that he would make them suffer the pain of childbirth forever.

And then (according to the Bible) when mankind, after being abandoned by their creator, looked for new gods, they were punished by being wiped off the face of the Earth.

But never mind not being able to design people properly, God also screwed up when it came to angels. Some of them stood up to him and they were banished as well.

Talk about stroppy!

But the odd thing is - at least I've always thought so - that if we assume that Heaven, Hell and God actually exist, then the Devil must be (in a way) working with God. Otherwise, without Hell, where would all the sinners go? If the Devil really wanted to piss God off, he'd just need to close Hell down. :twisted:


Jul 28, 2008
deldaisy said:
Dotsie said:
Don't you think that's true of all religious people? If they really believe in heaven, they can't possibly believe that atheists will get in, regardless of the life they've lead?
Not true Dots. My mum was very religious (quietly not the church type). My Dad was an absolute atheist. Mum was quietly confident that no matter what Dad said, she and he would end up in heaven together because her's was a forgiving god. :laugh: and would forgive Dad for not believing :laugh: :laugh: He had NO way of arguing with that. :laugh:
Emma Darwin was a bit gutted because not believing in God meant that Charles wouldn't get in. I think religious people often have issues with what will happen to them/their loved ones after they die, but then so do a lot of agnostics. This is why some sort of wishy-washy afterlife scenario was invented, and spiritual mediums are only too keen to keep this going. It's good that your mum found a way of coping, but really, it's still the "I'm guaranteed a spot" mentality.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Dotsie said:
deldaisy said:
Dotsie said:
Don't you think that's true of all religious people? If they really believe in heaven, they can't possibly believe that atheists will get in, regardless of the life they've lead?
Not true Dots. My mum was very religious (quietly not the church type). My Dad was an absolute atheist. Mum was quietly confident that no matter what Dad said, she and he would end up in heaven together because her's was a forgiving god. :laugh: and would forgive Dad for not believing :laugh: :laugh: He had NO way of arguing with that. :laugh:
Emma Darwin was a bit gutted because not believing in God meant that Charles wouldn't get in. I think religious people often have issues with what will happen to them/their loved ones after they die, but then so do a lot of agnostics. This is why some sort of wishy-washy afterlife scenario was invented, and spiritual mediums are only too keen to keep this going. It's good that your mum found a way of coping, but really, it's still the "I'm guaranteed a spot" mentality.
I agree Dots. But then I never had atheism OR religion rammed down my throat. They managed to live under the same roof happily and it was never an issue. This type of discussion was never done to death over and over in our house. If WE raised the issue in conversation then they both gave their point of view... quietly.... but succinctly (?). I think it taught all of us to have alot of respect for someone elses faith or lack of faith or point of view. (without having to prove it either).


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Tonyblack said:
But never mind not being able to design people properly, God also screwed up when it came to angels. Some of them stood up to him and they were banished as well.
Jesus promised that if you believed in him, you'd have ever lasting life.
What a con! :eek:
If you're bad, you have ever lasting life anyway, in hell. :twisted:

And as God has set a precedent by banishing some of the angels from heaven, there is no guarentee that even if you do go to heaven, you'll stay there for eternity. If you don't follow the rules, you could get banished to hell.

Heaven is an autocracy! I feel sorry for any US creationists who end up there, believing they have freedom of speech, open their mouths then get instantly shunted off to hell. :laugh:

Heaven seems to be a bit like Libya - only God has killed more people recently than Gaddafi. You've got a bloke at the top who's been at the top for ages and won't ever go. His son who's done a bit of travelling. (not quite sure what the holy spook does o_O ). And if you stand up to God you get banished. :eek:


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
captainmeme said:
Arrgh... I've got to be pulled into this again...

Creationism is the same as Christianity; it puts emphasis on how God loves EVERYONE, not just 'me, me, me'. Therefore it is not anything like Capitalism.
Surprising to find myself halfway agreeing with the Captain, but I do on this point.

Creationism is NOT the same as Christianity. As mentioned before, one can worship Jesus and still believe in evolution (all you need to do is to say that Genesis is an allegorical representation of a billion-year evolutionary process guided behind the scenes by God. No problem.)

But I do agree that creationism is nothing like capitalism. If anything,
capitalism, unchecked, is evolution in its purest form. If you follow Dawkin's 'selfish gene' hypothesis (and I do), organisms are nothing more than a machine for ensuring that one's genetic information gets passed on to the next generation. Natural selection is nothing more than the ability of one set of genes' ability to replicate than other sets of genes, due to local conditions. All behavior of organisims, from feeding to mating to fighting, is based on a need to pass on these genes. Genes also encourage organisms to form colonies, schools, or herds as a means of using the protective value of many as a means of increasing the odds that any individual's genes will be passed on.

This is the very definition of capitalism, which is, at is core, a strategy for ensuring that one has the monetary wealth to pass ones' genes on to future generations by exploiting the labor and stupidity of others.


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
Still, some would say that organised religion at it's core is often about manipulating the gullible masses into doing what those in power say, ostensibly for the good of the religion as a whole but in reality mostly benefitting those in power.

edit: at least Capitalism is more honest about these goals :)


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Willem said:
Still, some would say that organised religion at it's core is often about manipulating the gullible masses into doing what those in power say, ostensibly for the good of the religion as a whole but in reality mostly benefitting those in power.
Absolutely! But not always. The Amish, for example. They live like people did in the 18th century. They eschew modern technology and live mainly as farmers. They don't have a strong central power structure, nor are they particularly wealthy. Indeed, their whole way of life leaves them vulnerable to situations that could threaten their existence. For example, when tornadoes tear their communities, devastation results because they don't have TVs or phones or radios to warn them, and can only escape in horse-drawn buggies. They don't prosleytyze, and prefer not to deal with the outside world. Amish people could never live by themselves, because their way of life would threaten their ability to pass on their genes. So they live among themselves and support each other. This kind of altruistics society does aid in passing on the genes, but is really the opposite of what capitalism is about.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
poohcarrot said:
...but if you're a creationist and guarenteed a place in heaven, while atheists will burn in hell, that obviously implies that creationists BELIEVE they are better. o_O
Your arguments would be more cogent if you substituted "fundamentalists" for "Creationists." There are plenty of fundamentalists of all faiths who believe they have a place in Heaven and justify their violent acts by saying it's God's will (why not? There's plenty of language in the Bible and Qu'ran to support these genocidal impulses). But not all fundamentalists are necessarily Creationists. Many of these people, even a good share of the true whackjobs, accept the Intelligent Design rationale for evolution.
Jan 2, 2011
Delsbo, Sweden
Wow religion, alot of good points here.

I wonder, why can people not believe in whatever they want, whatever god they want or live whatever lifestyle they want as long as they dont either hurt others (both mentally & physically) or force their views down others throats?

In my eyes, God said to the devil," ok I made the world and I made people what can you do to beat that".
The devil replied "ok then I've just invented money & organised religion."

Thing is that some members are religious and could possibly get hurt by members pulling what they believe in apart.
Religion be it right or wrong actually makes believers happy on the whole, gives them a sense of worth and belonging, why not let them feel happy have a sense of worth and feel they belong to something?.

Just a thought.
Jan 2, 2011
Delsbo, Sweden
meerkat said:
Well, what about life on Earth actually being Hell and when we kick the mortal coil etc etc, we then pass on to a better existence?
Read Astrid Lindgren's book the brothers lionheart (think it will be called in English, in Swedish bröderna lejonhjärta) a childrens book but pretty good also a film.

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