STICKY Sad News for us all.

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RathDarkblade said:
Hmm... I'd love to know if (and when) the Watch TV series might be coming to us Downunder. :|

We did get Hogfather on Aussie TV, but as for the two followups - The Light Fantastic and Going Postal - I had to hunt them down and purchase them in various shops, as there was no general release for us Aussies (at least, I never heard of one). So... any ideas?
All three of the TV miniseries (Hogfather, TCOM, Going Postal) have aired on the ABC, some of them several times. [Heck, even the animated Soul Music & Wyrd Sisters aired on the ABC in the 90s].

They all have had DVD releases via the ABC shop too[1], no idea if they're still available/in print though.

I'm sure that when these TV series are finally produced, they will eventually reach international shores - it just may not be through the traditional broadcast medium - who knows, we might first see them on Netflix :laugh:

[1] The animated series had VHS releases, I bought them from the ABC shop back in the day. My DVD copies were from Amazon, however, I don't think there was ever a local DVD release of those here.


Oct 15, 2013
Hi, everyone,

I’ve haunted this board for a while (since Tony kindly sent me the BBC radio version of Night Watch, and he again kindly assisted me with a lost password) but have not posted till now. I have not been keeping up with the news, so I was shocked when I tried to listen to the reposted BBC production of Good Omens 2 days ago and heard my favorite living author described as the Late Sir Terry Pratchett. You can imagine that I’ve experience all the sadness that all of you have some weeks ago when the news first broke out. So I’d like to post this belated tribute to our favorite author.

I’ve first found Discworld 20 years ago when I picked up The Colour of Magic in my college bookstore because of the bizarre and colorful cover— which is the reason why I love Josh Kirby’s illustrations (but Kidby’s too.) They say not to judge a book by its cover, but in this case I did, and was lucky in that the text inside more than matched the cover. The author’s sense of humor, satirizing of fantasy tropes, and complex grammar and terminology immediately intrigued me. His prose and style was cerebral, which in fantasy is highly unusual; it was both entertaining and challenging. I dutifully began to read all the books in publication order and by the time I finished Equal Rites I was hooked—which is why I will always have a soft spot for that particular book, and for Granny and Esk.

The series became a favorite, and over the years I slowly realized that Mr. Pratchett was the only living author about whom I cared and in whom I was interested, and to whose books I was looking forward. Now that he is gone, I no longer have a favorite living author. My one great regret is that I never met him. By the time I realized I should try to meet him he was in advanced illness stages and it was too late.

Right after I heard the news, I purchased two Discworld mapps as a tribute to him, and also the Color of Magic hardcover in French, since I like the new French cover artwork. I also intend, like some, to start the series at the beginning, but due to my poor eyesight I can no longer read print novels very quickly, so I rely on audiobooks, and unfortunately the Color of Magic is not available as an audiobook in the United States, at least on Audible, so I may have to start with Light Fantastic instead.

I am happy that Rihanna refused to continue writing the books. No one can write Discworld except Terry Pratchett. I hope that she will release any unfinished works, and that Terry have provided a summary of the future of some of our favorite characters. So many questions…. like who is Esk’s son? (I think maybe Lobsang, the son of Time, since she is a witch who lived in time?) I haven’t quite finished Raising Steam yet and we’ve yet to read Shepard’s Crown so perhaps some questions will be answered.

I am also thrilled that Rihanna will welcome more movie and TV productions. In my opinion the visual arts (movie, TV, theatre) are now the appropriate place to continue reproducing the world of Discworld, as long as the productions are respectful of the source materials and faithful to it. I liked the movies Hogfather and Going Postal, and hope to see more of these movies. Rihanna will be a good steward of the series and I am looking forward to its future.

The pictorial tributes I saw of Terry meeting Death are at once beautiful and somehow comforting. Terry wanted to die with dignity, and this is what has happened. The thought of Death respectfully bowing to this wish makes me tear up again.

I’d like to think that before Terry went to the Great Elsewhere, Death gave him a tour of Discworld. R.I.P and GNU, Mr. Pratchett. You will be sorely missed.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Glad to help, Hadas. I think that we were all terribly shocked to hear of Terry's death. I know that it was for me. Yes we all knew that he was ill, but I'm not sure how many of us realised just how ill he was.
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Took this from this year’s Discworld calendar for today the 28th looks like it won’t be only Canada who will be having a day of mourning or remembrance.
Took this from this year’s Discworld calendar for today looks like it won’t be only Canada who will be having a day of mourning or remembrance.



Nov 14, 2009
North East England
Spotted that too Dug. Uncanny isn't it? Seeing as it's my birthday today (28th) and I have caught up numerically with Sir Pterry, I intend to raise a glass, containing something alcoholic, to his memory at around 8 pm. I invite everyone who reads this to join me. Raise a glass of anything you like and give the time-honoured toast, 'Oook!'
Bless you, Sir Terry Pratchett, you wonderful man!


New Member
Oct 11, 2010
Midwest, USA
I was in the middle of moving 1200 miles from Indiana to New Mexico, USA during March. I can't believe I am only now, this minute, learning of Sir Terry's death.

Of course, as many must have, I wondered about the circumstances. Did he use his 'right' to choose his time of departure? Or did this dread disease make it's final, fatal strike?

Only when Pavarotti died and now Sir Terry, have I really cried big fat tears from the heart for someone I never met, but who had impacted me so very much.

I really hate this!!

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