STICKY Sad News for us all.

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Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
From Twitter,
Discworld Seamstress Guild of North America shared Royal Shakespeare Company's photo.

Dear Discworld friends: I first met Terry Pratchett in the early 90's, well before he was famous in the U.S. I will always be grateful that I met him when he was just this nice British guy who came to my friend's bookstore, because I might have been to wary or too shy back then to talk to The Writing Rock Star he later became. Over the years it has been both my pleasure and my privilege to organize and host DW events in Terry's honor here in the states. Back in 2002 he asked me to throw him a party at ConJose which he later said was one of the best DW parties he'd ever been to. Later on, when he asked me to to help organize the first NADWCon in 2009, I was happy to help out with programming, and to organize the Seamstress Guild's Opening Night Gala in his honor. Those of us who were lucky enough to share those times with him will cherish our memories for many years to come.

Our Seamstress guild has since been involved with many DW events and meets, including the Great Discworld Fan Meet last year at Sasquan / Worldcon 2015. I was happy to serve as the DW Area Head on that ConCom, and I met many wonderful fans from all around the world as a result. My thanks to all those who came to the memorial for Terry at Sasquan and who shared their stories for our documentary film, The Turtle Moves, during the course of the con.

I knew Terry for almost 20 years, and - and I said at the memorial - his friendship graced my life. I will always miss him. I felt it was important to honor his memory this year, and to help the fans do so, as well. Now that he is gone, and we've grieved this loss together, I feel that my work here is done. So while I look forward to seeing many more generations embrace the books as the years go on, I will be closing this and other FB pages, and moving on to other projects. I will keep what Terry taught has me through both his work and his life as a constant example, and I will cherish the friends that I have made through Discworld fandom over the years.

I may add on a few notes about the film, et al, before I shut down this page for good. In the meantime, please enjoy what we've posted in past .

Cheers, and Best Wishes,

Mrs Palm AKA Denise Connell
P.S If you're wondering what I'm up to next, well here's a hint. It makes sense when you think about it, for who of all people could follow Terry? <grin>


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
A year has passed so quickly and I can feel like it was only yesterday when we all answered this topic. But today there is better news: the whole world hasn’t stop speaking his name. More and more people have been introduced to Discworld. We haven’t forgotten.

Thank you, Pratchett, for another 365 days of awesomeness and great reading.


The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
Totally agree with the sentiments above. It was always a pleasure to chat with Terry, he was always free with his time for fans and so approachable, especially if approached with a drink in a bar :)

Terry is the only person I have ever been to a fan event about, or indeed ever wanted to go to a fan event about, and I treasure the opportunities I had to talk to him over the 14 years since I first met him to the last time at the 2012 convention.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
I only met Terry once - at a book signing in Fourecks - and made a bit of an ass of myself, I fear, by asking for a specific dedication. :oops: (I was incredibly nervous, and wasn't aware that Terry made up his own dedications).

I also wrote a filk, a parody of Billy Joel's It's Still Rock 'N Roll to Me, where the City Watch decide to jump on the Music with Rocks In bandwagon - and Lord Rust pens a protest to Lord Vetinari about employing Detritus, which becomes the song. ;) I wanted to give it to Terry, but was (perhaps?) afraid of doing so. A pity. I consider it a lost opportunity. :(

RIP Terry Pratchett, who influenced me and my outlook on the world in more ways than I can say.


Oct 15, 2013
A little late but... my one regret is that I never got to meet him. I remember finding out that he's sick and thinking that I have to look up the next conference so I can attend it before it's too late... and alas, it was too late. :(


New Member
Jul 22, 2016
I should have added something last year! I have been reading and re-reading every one of Sir Terry's books that I can find, and one or two that I didn't know about. Wonderful stuff. One of my heroes - and I don't have many.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
dchatt said:
I should have added something last year! I have been reading and re-reading every one of Sir Terry's books that I can find, and one or two that I didn't know about. Wonderful stuff. One of my heroes - and I don't have many.
I miss him every day. Thank the gods we have his books.

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