STICKY Sad News for us all.

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Nov 14, 2009
North East England
Couldn't find my way here due to Creatures from the Dungeon Dimensions (probably) preventing me - or more likely it was my Bloody Stupid Johnson version of Windows - who knows? Just had another cry reading all the lovely tributes. I can relate to every word written. We are all better people for having Sir Terry in our lives.
On a personal note I will mourn that I no longer have him to share a birthday with and I will never again be exactly one year younger.
Condolences to everyone here and especially to Terry's family and close friends.
Nov 27, 2014
Very sad news. The tributes people have been writing are lovely, what makes me sad is that the day before I ordered the only discworld book i havn't read-Witches Abroad. It will be very sad when it comes, knowing that there won't be any more...


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
VoteVetinari said:
Very sad news. The tributes people have been writing are lovely, what makes me sad is that the day before I ordered the only discworld book i havn't read-Witches Abroad. It will be very sad when it comes, knowing that there won't be any more...
We've got another Tiffany book coming out and the fourth Long Earth book. I also think that Terry was writing his autobiography.


Jan 16, 2010
Pocklington East Riding Yorkshire
I am still in shock. The man who saved me from ending it all is no more but at least I have his books as a comfort and the knowledge that death is taking care of his moving across the great desert.

I love the hat drawing. it sums up Terry so well. I too have a lot of his books some signed early and others getting subtly altered as the embuggeance fought for control. I will not sell them, ever and I have plans to leave them to Cancer Research in my will to be sold as they see fit.

Love and hugs to Lyn and Rhianna. You had a lovely husband and Dad, treasure the memory. XXXXX
Jan 23, 2014
I cried when I first heard about it and I'm crying again now.

I will miss you PTerry, I will miss you a lot. All the books you won't write and I won't get to read.

But thank you so much for all the books you did write and all the things you taught me and the way you made me see the world. All the humour and the wisdom and the courage.

Ah man.... I have to stop. I can barely see the screen.....


Feb 10, 2014
Obviously heard about it the same day as others, but wish to show my sadness in the Terry forum itself.

RIP, Terry. I'm very glad I discovered his Discworld books five or so years ago. He brought us such an intriguing world with plenty of humour, so thank you for that.

Every time I read the final words that were written on the Twitter tears are brought to my eyes. So touching...

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