Scams for next Doctor Who episode clips

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The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
A number of Internet Security sites have reported that several marketing scams are in progress using the promise of a clip from this Saturday's mid-series finale A Good Man Goes To War as a premise to visit their sites and potentially collate personal information. The scams running on YouTube purport to point to a video elsewhere that is too large for the site, but then require the visitor to perhaps fill out a survey or sign up to an offer before gaining access to the alleged clip.

GFI Software security researcher Chris Boyd commented:

The same thing happened when the last series finale was due to air. There was also a bit of an issue with various Doctor Who games doing the rounds, too. As always: avoid. Everything we’ve seen so far is the usual fake video/survey nonsense, but there could well be malware in the offing between now and Saturday.


Dec 7, 2010
I read about this on the Doctor Who News Site, and even so, I'd be cautious about going offsite. Besides which, they've got whole movies on YouTube now, ones that have been licenced or something. And the upper upload limit for normal users is now about 15 minutes, so that's busted pretty much right there. If they can't upload a clip, then there's something smelling fishier than a trawlerman's gloves.

They often have these scams on YouTube where they claim that the whole movie or TV show is hosted off-site elsewhere, and I'm wary of those anyway. Even if they do lead to real torrent downloads, I'm wary of torrents anyway, particularly for security reasons.

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