Scenes that make you weep

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Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Are there any bits in films that always make you weep? There are a few with me, but the one that always does it is in one of my favourite films, Dancer in the Dark starring Bjork and directed by Lars von Trier.

It's the exectution scene at the end of the movie. I howl with tears every time. :cry: :laugh:


Jul 28, 2008
Don't think I'll watch that just yet!

I cry at everything :rolleyes: but the Santa speaking sign language scene in Miracle on 34th St gets me every time. The Santa speaking swedish in the original just doesn't do it I'm afraid.
Jul 17, 2012
The scene in Goodbye, Mr. Chips, starring Robert Donat, when he is told his wife and child have died in labour, and he goes on to teach his Latin class :(
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
The ending to the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark

Here's the set up for those unfamiliar with the ep/show. Pizza delivery boy Fry is accidentally frozen for 1000 years, wakes up, makes a robot friend (bender), hijinks ensue. in this ep fry and his friends are roaming the ruins of old new york, and come across the remains of fry's dog Seymour. que flashbacks of Fry finding him as a puppy. Seymour following him around, waiting outside his job, and after fry is frozen trying to alert the family that something is wrong, but it doesn't work, etc.

Fry's genius scientist relative tells him they could clone Seymour and he could have his dog back. Bender gets jealous and more fun happens. Bender gives in in the end. and as they are prepping the remains for cloning, Fry finds out this 3 year old dog was 18 when he died. So he says, "Wait, Seymour lived 15 years without me. he lived a long life wihtout me around. He doesn't need me. lets leave him rest in peace". and then they cut to this

Caption says January 2, 2000 (2 days after fry was frozen) and this is the reseaon that connie francis song always gets to me


Jan 11, 2010
raptornx01 said:
The ending to the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark

Here's the set up for those unfamiliar with the ep/show. Pizza delivery boy Fry is accidentally frozen for 1000 years, wakes up, makes a robot friend (bender), hijinks ensue. in this ep fry and his friends are roaming the ruins of old new york, and come across the remains of fry's dog Seymour. que flashbacks of Fry finding him as a puppy. Seymour following him around, waiting outside his job, and after fry is frozen trying to alert the family that something is wrong, but it doesn't work, etc.

Fry's genius scientist relative tells him they could clone Seymour and he could have his dog back. Bender gets jealous and more fun happens. Bender gives in in the end. and as they are prepping the remains for cloning, Fry finds out this 3 year old dog was 18 when he died. So he says, "Wait, Seymour lived 15 years without me. he lived a long life wihtout me around. He doesn't need me. lets leave him rest in peace". and then they cut to this

Caption says January 2, 2000 (2 days after fry was frozen) and this is the reseaon that connie francis song always gets to me
have to agree with this one
Nov 15, 2011
Lots of movies make me cry. Dancer in the Dark is a stand out. Seymour waiting for Fry is sad as well. It's the song!

I watched Billy Elliot yesterday & I pretty much cried from when the dad decides to go back to work onwards.

The 1st ten minutes of Up.

The Road, when the dad is holding the gun to his son's head. That was a really powerful moment in the book which I cried hysterically reading, btw. To see it on screen and the meaning behind it. Chokes me up thinking about it.

Life is Beautiful, the bit where the dad goosesteps past his son who's hiding in the letter box.

To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus' don't shoot Mockingbirds & court room speech.

Bambi's mum.

Last scenes of Gallipoli.
Jul 17, 2012
Angels with Dirty Faces, when Jimmy Cagney, refuses to 'turn yellow' before he goes to the chair, so that the boys who idolise him won't follow in his footsteps. Then, as his friend, the priest, watches him walk to his execution, the shadow on the wall shows Cagney start to struggle, and he starts to cry out and beg for mercy. When the priest goes back to the gang's hideout, the boys all ask him to say that Cagney didn't beg, but he just asks them to pray 'for the little boy who could never run fast enough.'

Also, it's not a film, but in the comic, Spider-man, when Peter Parker's Aunt May is dying, Peter sits with her in the hospital, and tells him that she has always known that he was Spider-man, and how proud she is of him, and, more importantly for him, how proud his Uncle Ben would have been.


Nov 23, 2010
Most of Life is Beautiful.
The end bit of Schindler's List.
The reunion scene in The Colour Purple.
The bit after the dinner scene in The Notebook.
Hugh Jackman crying in The Fountain.
The end of the Lion King (not the Mufassa bit, the bit where simba roars and all the other lions roar...It's a nostalgia thing. Roar!)
The end of Gladiator
All of the movie Lilya4ever
Most of Schindler's List (welling up now actually)
The English Patient ('I've always loved you')
The end of Forrest Gump (Jenneeey)

And I cried in the cinema at the last LOTR film but not with repeated watchings, and the flashback scenes in the final Harry Potter movie with crying baby Harry (sad babies get me lol)

And quite a lot of the last Batman film, but that was exacerbated by sheer overexcitement :p
Apr 29, 2009
Oh god, that Futurama one. I've only seen it once, and just reading that gave me shivers.

Railway Children: "Daddy. My daddy".

Angel: Ilyria to Wesley "Do you want me to lie to you now?".


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands
BatrickPatrick said:
And quite a lot of the last Batman film, but that was exacerbated by sheer overexcitement :p
Just the end for me there :)

Also quite some tears during the last Harry Potter, and at The Return of the King. At the cinema it affects me more than at home usually though.


Dec 29, 2009
The final deathbed scene from "Man of La Mancha" with Peter O'Toole and Sophie Loren singing "To Dream The Impossible Dream" with the rest of the cast. I remember it having the same effect on a group of long haired, bearded, bikers dressed in leathers and denim cut-offs and looking tough right up 'til that point. :laugh:


Dec 7, 2010
BobtheDrog said:
raptornx01 said:
The ending to the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark

Here's the set up for those unfamiliar with the ep/show. Pizza delivery boy Fry is accidentally frozen for 1000 years, wakes up, makes a robot friend (bender), hijinks ensue. in this ep fry and his friends are roaming the ruins of old new york, and come across the remains of fry's dog Seymour. que flashbacks of Fry finding him as a puppy. Seymour following him around, waiting outside his job, and after fry is frozen trying to alert the family that something is wrong, but it doesn't work, etc.

Fry's genius scientist relative tells him they could clone Seymour and he could have his dog back. Bender gets jealous and more fun happens. Bender gives in in the end. and as they are prepping the remains for cloning, Fry finds out this 3 year old dog was 18 when he died. So he says, "Wait, Seymour lived 15 years without me. he lived a long life wihtout me around. He doesn't need me. lets leave him rest in peace". and then they cut to this

Caption says January 2, 2000 (2 days after fry was frozen) and this is the reseaon that connie francis song always gets to me
have to agree with this one
And then...

They sort of ruin it all (or make it better, which is my opinion) by having Seymour actually living a full and happy life with Fry, albeit a Fry who came back from the future. It's complicated, but the events are there in Bender's Big Score.

Anyway, tear jerker endings for me?

Well, the ending of the film adaptation of Nineteen Eighty-Four is one. The music, a slow instrumental version of Oceania, 'Tis for Thee, and John Hurt quietly thinking "I love you" (to Big Brother) while weeping gets me every time.

There's also the funeral scene in Backdraft...

Oh, and the ending of Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance. The music gets me.

Not just that, but the fact that it manages to combine a happy ending, a sad ending, and a horrifying ending simultaneously. Shinji saves Rei from the inside of an Angel in one of the most heartwarming scenes in the series (and is probably the first time that Shinji Ikari, of all people, grows a bloody spine!), but in the process, he ends up triggering the very apocalyptic event he was supposed to prevent. In a word, Oops.

And then, there are two of the Doctor's regenerations from Doctor Who. The Fourth becoming the Fifth...

And the Tenth becoming the Eleventh. Unfortunately, I can't find that on YouTube. The BBC must've done a sweep or something...Bugger.

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