Scenes that make you weep

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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
:laugh: I love 'em!

Sally Field losing it after her daughter's funeral in Steel Magnolias. That scene is incredible because one minute you are bawling your eyes out and the next laughing your head off.

Nov 15, 2011
The ending of Pan's Labyrinth.
The Fisher King, I pretty much bawl all through that one.
The 1976 & 2005 King Kong movies, I couldn't keep it together watching those. Jesus human's are evil.


City Watch
Jul 26, 2008
I'm definitely one of the wobbly lower lip brigade for all sorts of scenes, particularly where someone is crying in the scene - my empathy chip kicks in big time when someone else is upset. But I have to agree with Bouncy on this one which is guaranteed to make me blub:

Bouncy Castle said:
Railway Children: "Daddy. My daddy".


Dec 7, 2010
Can video games be included?

Well, one scene guaranteed to get me misty-eyed is the ending from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The basic setting is 1964, and an operative called Naked Snake ('naked' in that he has a minimum of equipment for a stealth mission) is sent on a mission into a remote part of the USSR with multiple objectives: rescue a scientist called Sokolov; destroy the nuke-launching tank Sokolov designed called the Shagohod; kill the evil Russian renegade Colonel Volgin; and kill Snake's own mentor, the Boss, a famous female soldier who had defected to the USSR.

Snake had succeeded in his mission, partly with the help of an agent called EVA, who tells Snake not only the truth about her own mission (she wasn't working for the KGB, but for the Chinese), but also the Boss, who was actually working for the US government all the time. He's learnt, effectively, that the government screwed her over and sacrificed her so that they could get a hold of a vast resource of funds known as the Philosopher's Legacy from Volgin.

By the way, that name, Big Boss? If it sounds weird to you, Big Boss is the villain of the first two Metal Gear games, and Metal Gear Solid 3 was actually the first game to look at Big Boss' past, and why he turned against the US.


Jun 12, 2012
Oh, there are so many :|

The end of Sherlock season 2 episode 3. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen.
Cruel intentions, in the end.
3oo, its a movie that I would describe with one word: võimas. In English it means: powerful, mighty, potent, overwhelming, spectacular, high-powered.
The part in Bones, when Vincent Nigel-Murry died. Too.
When Daniel Jackson died in Stargate SG1.
PS, I love you. Cant remember exactly where.
Supernatural, when Dean died.
Castle, when Beckett almost died.
The end of Chuck.

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