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Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 100

Elden Ring: The Road to the Erdtree volume 2, by Nikiichi Tobita.

Elden Ring is a game of serious, dark fantasy, coming from the renowned minds of Soulsborne creator Hidetaka Miyazaki and the renowned creator of A Song of Ice and Fire George RR Martin. Yet there is an official parody manga. The first volume was actually quite enjoyable, but would the second volume maintain this?

Aseo has infiltrated Godrick the Grafted’s lair of Stormveil. However, this incompetent Tarnished has an uphill battle. Even teaming up with powerful if ditzy warrior woman Nepheli Loux may not be enough to defeat Godrick. And even if they do, they have other demigods to take on, never mind the colourful cast of characters in the Roundtable Hold…

As with the previous volume, at times, the comedy gets way too cringy for my liking, or just not that funny. A case in point is the so-called training with Bernahl, which overstays its welcome for far too long. And the serious-looking art clashes at times with the comedy.

Still, it manages to maintain the standards of the previous volume. Nepheli Loux as a ditz is surprisingly hilarious, Godrick is actually treated sympathetically, and his grafting contest is hilarious if bizarre. Plus, the antics of Gideon Ofnir and Fia in the Roundtable Hold are also immensely amusing, as is Enia and the Two Fingers.

Overall, this was a good continuation of a gag manga series of a great game. Here’s hoping it improves…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 101

Lethbridge-Stewart: Mutually-Assured Domination by Nick Walters.

I haven’t read more than the first instalment of the Lethbridge-Stewart books. But this spinoff of Doctor Who has so many potentially interesting entries. But in one of them, the Dominators and their Quark servants appear. Their debut story in the TV series was one of the worst of the era, and certainly Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln’s disappointments, despite having also created for Doctor Who the likes of the Yeti, the Great Intelligence, and Lethbridge-Stewart himself. So how would this story fare?

1969. The streets of London are filled with protestors, many of whom are opposing the newly-founded Dominex Industries, an organisation that promises to find ways to turn nuclear waste into safe substances. But as journalist Harold Chorley and his old acquaintance Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart learn, Dominex’s facility in Dartmoor is linked to suspicious disappearances. And it is no coincidence: the Dominators and their robotic servants, the Quarks, have created Dominex as a cover for a plan with an apocalyptic fate for Earth…

I have to admit, this story is a fairly straightforward generic romp with no real complexity or nuance. Instead, it’s more a matter of going from incident to incident. What’s more, while the Dominators and the Quarks are significantly improved from their TV appearance, there’s no getting away from the fact that they are also somewhat generic alien invaders.

Still, for all that, it’s still an entertaining romp, and that more successfully touches on similar themes to The Dominators. Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart shows he can hold his own even without the Doctor, and Chorley’s return is also welcome. The Dominators, for all their faults, are not only given a culture and history (even if a lot of what we learn is their own propaganda), but they are made more menacing, as are the otherwise ridiculous Quarks.

Overall, this was a good story, one that managed to surprise me with the handling of one of the far lesser aliens from Doctor Who



Dec 7, 2010
So ... Mutually Assured Docstruction?

I can't have been the only one who immediately thought ... "Dominators". "Dominex". "Dominatrix"? :p


The sad thing is, you're not the first to make that joke. I remember reading long ago an issue of Doctor Who Magazine (from the 90s, I think) that had a cartoon of a couple of fans looking to hire the video of Doctor Who: The Dominators from a video shop. At first, the clerk directs them to section, but when they clarify that it's a Doctor Who story, he understands...and sends them to an entirely different part of the adult section.

The Dominators had a troubled genesis, to say the least. The story was written by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (Lincoln would go on to co-write The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, one of the inspirations for The Da Vinci Code), who had success with the Yeti and the Great Intelligence earlier in the season (The Dominators was the last story produced of the fifth season of Doctor Who, but was held back to open up the sixth season, a common practise at the time). Lincoln and Haisman wrote the story as a satire on the hippy movement and pacifism.

Now, the story was, honestly, a trainwreck. The plot was originally meant to go for six episodes, but the then-script editor Derrick Sherwin thought, "Nope, it's dragged on for long enough" (and considering how long the transmitted 5-part story drags, I'm hardly surprised: ironically, the next story, The Mind Robber, had the extra episode tacked on to compensate, and still managed to be a brilliant and entertaining story). In addition, the BBC tried to market the robotic Quarks as the new Daleks, given that Terry Nation was trying to set up a spinoff series in the US with the Daleks (thus, the rights were a mess). Lincoln and Haisman were far from amused, so they demanded their names be taken off the story (it's credited to 'Norman Ashby', a pseudonym derived from their father-in-laws' names). And they were intended to write out Jamie McCrimmon in a story that would have seen the return of the Great Intelligence, but their anger with the BBC at the time nixed that.

The story itself is pretty mediocre and generic. You can tell Patrick Troughton didn't think much of the script, as he hams it up a lot more than usual in the story. Although I will admit, there's a surprisingly gruesome special effect early in the first episode when a Quark guns down a curious Dulcian called Tolata: a photo of the actress has footage of oil rippling on water superimposed, making it look like her flesh is boiling away, very gruesome for 1960s Doctor Who. For later victims, they went for a more frequently used special effect in piping smoke through their clothing.

Here's a couple of trailers. The first is an official DVD trailer, while the other is a fan-made trailer that includes Tolata's demise, showing you how effective 60s special effects can be when they put their mind to it...



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 102

One Piece Baroque Works 19-20-21 by Eiichiro Oda.

So, here I am, once more embarking on a journey into the insane world of One Piece. But how would this omnibus volume fare as we embark on the beginning of the end of the Baroque Works arc? Let’s find out…

Determined to put a halt to Crocodile’s plans for Alabaster, Luffy and his crew end up trapped. Crocodile then puts his cruel plan to spark a violent revolution in Alabaster into motion. But can anyone stop Crocodile and his Baroque Works minions?

Once more, One Piece proves to be a mixed bag. The sheer weirdness of it and the overreliance on the strange and bizarre humour of this setting works against it in this volume. And it feels like this arc is being stretched way beyond its natural conclusion.

Yet there is still much to commend it. There’s some awesome fight scenes, with Luffy getting probably his worst defeat yet at the hands (well, hand and a hook) of Crocodile, while Nami gets a chance to shine as a fighter herself. We have finally some insight into why Crocodile wants to take over Alabaster, aside from cruel megalomania.

Overall, this was a decent romp, but lacking in substance. Hopefully, One Piece will improve when I embark on the climax of this arc…

Last edited:


Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 103

House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of a Targaryen Dynasty by Gina McIntyre.

Game of Thrones became a runaway success, and despite it faltering in the last couple of seasons, it still remains a cornerstone of pop culture. Was it at all surprising that a prequel series was done? So I decided to get the making-of book for House of the Dragon, and hope it was worth my time…

When Game of Thrones came to an end, spinoff series were mooted, with one being based on the infamous Dance of Dragons, taking place over a century prior. A story of the Targaryen dynasty at its height, and how it was brought low. This, then, is the story of how House of the Dragon came to be made, from writing and casting, to filming and special effects, and how COVID-19 nearly scuppered it…

Books like this, as I have mentioned before, are triumphs of style over substance. While this one seems to have a better balance, there’s no getting away from the fact that I believe more could have been said and elaborated upon about the show. And I feel the book ends just a tad too abruptly for my liking.

Which is something of a shame, really. The balance between presentation and information, as mentioned before, is better here, with beautiful and lavish presentation being balanced out with fairly comprehensive anecdotes about filming the series. We have some better insight into what the actors and writers intended than, at times, what came across on the screen.

Overall, this was an excellent making-of book of an excellent series. Not without its flaws, but certainly worth a read…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 104

One Piece Baroque Works 22-23-24 by Eiichiro Oda.

So here I am, about to embark on the final part of the Baroque Works arc for One Piece, along with the initial stages of the Skypiea arc. But how would this omnibus volume fare? Let’s find out…

The battle to save Alabasta continues, and Crocodile has at last revealed one of his secret desires: to have Nico Robin, his second in command, read the Ponegliff beneath the palace that details the whereabouts of the ancient weapon Pluton. But Luffy, while left for dead in the desert, has survived, and comes back to face Crocodile, and now, he knows how to hurt the Warlord. But can he beat Crocodile, and save Alabasta?

Once more, One Piece’s weirdness and lack of complex plot works against it. There’s only so much ludicrous stuff that I could take. It also feels like the ending to Alabasta, once Crocodile was defeated, felt somewhat rushed, and the salvaging bit leading up to the next arc just pushed the ridiculous elements even further than I want it to.

Still, Luffy’s rematches with Crocodile show him starting to use what little brains he has, at long last. Hell, the fight scenes in general are great, including Vivi finally having the will to fight and even proving to make a significant contribution in the climax. Robin’s motives for wanting to read the Ponegliff are elaborated upon in an intriguingly vague fashion that promises much, especially now that she’s joined the crew.

Overall, this was a good ending to the Baroque Works arc. Time will tell when I come back to this series, though, as I’ve overdosed on its weirdness…



Dec 7, 2010
So, here I am again...

BOOK 105

The Rest is History: History’s Most Curious Questions Answered by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

To start off this latest book-reading binge, I decided to go with a history book. Not a dry one (I hoped), but rather, one derived from a comedic podcast run by a pair of historians. But how well would it stack up?

History is filled with the bizarre, the comic, the tragic, and the fabricated. This, then, is an examination of history through the lens of the ridiculous. From the worst parties ever thrown in history, to the truth about Atlantis, Robin Hood, and The Da Vinci Code, this book examines and throws a new light on old history…

I have to confess, in many ways, this book is reminiscent of Terry Deary’s works, for better or for worse. Certainly, the history is in pre-digested chunks, and not all of them are as interesting as they could be, in my opinion. Which is a shame.

That being said, on the whole, it’s both entertaining and informative, with plenty of healthy servings of wit and snark at many of history’s figures and events. There’s more than a few bizarre but hilarious chapters, like the top eunuchs of history. There’s even variety, with the book focusing mostly on Britain, but including Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Oceania’s history, and unlike Terry Deary’s works, this has a bibliography.

Overall, this was a fun read, reminiscent of Terry Deary for adults. A good start to this latest book-reading binge…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 106

One Piece Skypiea 25-26-27 by Eiichiro Oda.

So, here I am, starting anew on One Piece. But with a new saga in the offing, would it soar to great heights? Or come crashing down to Earth?

Seeking a way to travel to Skypiea, the Sky Island their Log Pose is fixed on, Luffy and his crew meet with Mont Blanc Cricket, one of the descendants of a notorious historical figure who also believed in Skypiea. Unfortunately, the vicious Bellamy is intent on robbing Cricket for everything he has. And even if Luffy and his crew can stop that, they face a perilous journey to Skypiea, a strange land ruled over by the tyrannical self-proclaimed deity Eneru…

I have to admit, after the high of the conclusion of the previous arc, this one…falls down somewhat. True, the first volume of this omnibus starts fairly strong. Yet once we get to Skypiea, we are plunged into Oda’s attempt at a fantasy setting that’s even more bizarre than the rest of the series, making me wonder what he’s smoking, and with some of the characters, it feels like Oda’s phoning it in.

Yet the first volume of this omnibus was pretty good, even adding some lore to the history of the franchise’s world. There’s actually some brave and interesting worldbuilding in some parts of Skypiea, as well as the introduction of the Five Elders, Sengoku, and two of the Warlords, Kuma and Donflamingo. Plus, Eneru’s introduction, while towards the end of this omnibus, is suitably chilling.

Overall, this was a decent, but not great entry to the series. Hopefully, it will improve…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 107

Doctor Who: The Gallifrey Chronicles by John Peel.

There are actually two Doctor Who tie-in books by the name of The Gallifrey Chronicles. One, the last of the Eighth Doctor Adventures series of novels, written by Lance Parkin, I had read years ago. But there was an earlier book, one that took a look at Gallifreyan culture and society, as well as the various Time Lords themselves. And it is this that I have just read…

The history and culture of the Time Lords is often obscure. This book proclaims to shine a light on Gallifrey’s history. Not only that, but there’s discussion of some of the most infamous Time Lords of all, from the Doctor to the Master, from Rassilon to Omega, and beyond…

I have to admit, much of the book is somewhat disappointing. For all John Peel’s gifts as a novelist, much of the stuff presented here has been done elsewhere and better. And more than a few elements, aside from being outdated, are actually inaccurate even for the time.

Still, the book is a fairly good primer to the Time Lords, and well-presented. In addition, there’s some interesting speculation to aspects of Time Lord biology and culture. And the book is capped off by an appendix, The Scrolls of Rassilon, which, while outdated by canon, gives a surprisingly plausible insight into the early days of Gallifrey and Rassilon’s true mindset, and is certainly the most interesting part of the book.

The Gallifrey Chronicles was, sadly, something of a disappointment. A somewhat mediocre reference book, couple with a rather enjoyable appendix, which is a shame…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 108

One Piece Skypiea 28-29-30 by Eiichiro Oda.

So, here I am, reading the next One Piece omnibus volume. But how would the next few volumes of the Skypiea arc turn out? Well, time to learn…

The Shandians have gone to war against Eneru and his followers, and in their wrath, they don’t care who else gets in the way. Divided, the Straw Hat Pirates face enemies on all sides. And Eneru’s power only fuels his delusions of godhood. Can anyone beat this self-proclaimed deity?

I have to admit, this story arc is still something of a disappointment. Eneru is a fairly generic and destructive OP villain with no redeeming or at least entertaining elements, and Wyper is pretty much the same, in my opinion. It devolves into bog-standard shounen battle stuff that isn’t really as exciting as it should be, at least until Luffy’s confrontation with Eneru.

Yet this volume isn’t without redeeming features. Conis, Raki, and Aisa are all interesting characters on the good guys’ side, and Ohm is probably one of the few of Eneru’s lackies who has an intriguing if twisted philosophy. Plus, it’s immensely satisfying to see the usually smug Eneru be shocked and horrified when Luffy’s rubber body gives him protection against Eneru’s go-to attack, and Robin gets to finally be an archaeologist.

Honestly, while not abysmal, I’m beginning to wish this arc would hurry up and end. Then, we can get to what may be one of the best story arcs in the franchise…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 109

Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy volume 1, by Kei Azumi.

Once more, I delve into yet another example of the isekai genre. I had found myself intrigued by the anime adaptation of Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy, and I was delighted to learn that there was an English version of the original light novels, albeit as ebooks. But would they be worth reading?

Makoto Misumi, a somewhat plain Japanese teenager, is summoned to another world, the very world his parents came from. Helped by the Japanese god Tsukuyomi, and spitefully hindered by the vain and narcissistic Goddess of this new world, Makoto is left stranded, in a world where ‘Hyumans’ are beautiful, demihumans are persecuted, and demons threaten all. Gaining the allegiance of a powerful dragon and a monstrous spider, now transformed into women, can he make his way through this world?

Let’s face it, Tsukimichi, in many regards, is pretty bog-standard isekai fare. You have the OP protagonist summoned by a deity, said deity turns out to be spiteful, and there’s already the beginning of a harem. Plus, the plot is clearly in its earliest stages, so there’s not much to talk about.

Yet what is there is promising. While Makoto can be a touch bland at times, Shen/Tomoe and Mio are interesting enough, and so too is the worldbuilding, with Makoto looking to pit himself against a xenophobic society. That Makoto also has a link to the world through his parents sets up much for the future, and the hints of other heroes is intriguing.

Overall, this was a decent, but not superlative, beginning to an isekai series. I hope it improves over coming volumes…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 110

One Piece Skypiea 31-32-33 by Eiichiro Oda.

At long last, I come to the end of the Skypiea arc of One Piece. But how would this conclusion fare? Let’s find out…

Eneru’s genocidal plan against Skypiea is in full swing. As Wyper considers the past of his people, Luffy and Nami bring the fight back to Eneru. But can they stop Eneru from wiping out Skypiea and its peoples?

As mentioned before, I’m not a fan of this arc for various reasons. True, it does improve, but I find fault with many parts of it, including the extended flashback about Mont Blanc Noland’s misadventures, as well as Eneru getting away with his crimes, even if not unscathed. And the Davy Back Fight at the end of the omnibus just feels puerile to me.

However, the final battles are suitably epic, with Luffy’s fight against Eneru absolutely awesome, and seeing the smug would-be deity get some comeuppance was still satisfying. And some of the details about Noland’s adventures are interesting, with my issue being about its length more than anything. And the ending to the Skypiea arc was great, and not just because the arc was ending.

Overall, this arc of One Piece is finally over. And hopefully, the next one, Water 7, will be far better…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 111

Classic Who: The Harper Classics by Adrian Rigelsford.

Long ago, at my local library, I read a book called Classic Who, specifically one that detailed the Robert Holmes and Phillip Hinchcliffe era of Doctor Who. However, I was lucky to find the other book in this short-lived series, which details the making of two classic series stories done by Graeme Harper. But how would it fare?

Graeme Harper has had something of a storied life. Starting as a child actor, he gradually began to work behind the camera. And thus began his association with Doctor Who. This is the story of his rise from being a floor assistant, all the way to becoming one of the most acclaimed directors to ever work on the series…

I have to admit, I wish this was a little more comprehensive. True, the format was based around interviews Rigelsford did of Graeme Harper, but I still think there could have been more interesting information to get out of Harper, particularly of the two stories he actually directed. And there could have been much to tell about these stories in particular without his input.

However, it’s still surprisingly fresh, interesting and informative for a book written in the 90s. Harper even goes into detail about some of the problems that plagued stories he was on in a non-directorial way, with Warriors’ Gate being a standout. And what he discusses about how he helped direct The Caves of Androzani and Revelation of the Daleks is all fascinating and interesting.

While not superlative, this book is a pretty damn good making of for two stories held dear by Whovians. It’s also a revelation as to why Harper was brought back to direct for the new series…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 112

One Piece Water Seven 34-35-36 by Eiichiro Oda.

The Skypiea arc of One Piece was something of a disappointment, but I knew the quality of this famous manga was variable. But I had heard good things about the Water Seven arc. But would this turn out to be the case?

After thwarting Foxy’s attempt to poach his crew, Luffy soon ends up in an encounter with the deceptively laid-back Admiral Aokiji of the Marines. Aokiji makes accusations against Nico Robin, accusations that stick with the crew as they embark to Water Seven to help them fix their ship Merry. But Robin soon disappears, a shocking piece of news about the Merry set Luffy and Usopp against each other, a bounty hunter gang targets the crew’s money, and then, an assassination attempt against Water Seven’s mayor, Iceberg, leads to a manhunt against the Strawhat Pirates. And in the shadows, one of the World Government’s most feared groups prepares to strike…

Unfortunately, the omnibus starts with the tail-end of the Davy Back Fight against Foxy, which is annoying as hell. And as usual, One Piece’s surreal nature works against it. Not helping matters is the fight between Luffy and Usopp, which, while not quite contrived, the sheer rancour seems a little out of character.

Yet it feels like the series is also coming into its own. The humour is more on-point, new and interesting characters are introduced, ranging from Franky to Admiral Aokiji and the vicious Cipher Pol 9, the worldbuilding is actually excellent, and it feels darker and more mature. As much as I don’t think it needed to be as rancorous, the fight between Luffy and Usopp is still well done on both a choreographed and emotional level, and the hints of Robin’s dark past and her seeming alliance with CP9 adds a frisson to the volume, as does the revelation of one of the Ancient Weapons being involved with Water Seven.

This omnibus volume shows the dizzying heights One Piece can reach when it makes the effort. I hope the rest of this story arc keeps up the standard…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 113

The Legend of Mad Max: The Complete Saga from Mad Max to Furiosa by Ian Nathan.

I have to confess to having only a marginal interest in the Mad Max films. But there’s no denying their importance to pop-culture. How would this book on the making of the films fare, then?

In the late 1970s, Australian filmmaker George Miller created a film that started a legend. About a police officer trying to enforce law and order in a society on the brink of collapse, Mad Max spawned a series of violent post-apocalyptic action films that would leave their mark on pop-culture. This, then, is the story of those films…

I have to confess to being a little disappointed. Most of this disappointment is in the length of the book. A little over 180 pages does quite feel like enough to tell the story of five films in the franchise, as well as taking in George Miller’s other works. It feels like more could have been told for each film.

Yet what is there is very informative. George Miller’s own changing feelings about the franchise, as well as the trials and tribulations each film went through (especially Fury Road, delayed time and time again due to various circumstances) are on display, as well as analysis not only of the making of, but of the characters. Plus, the book is well-presented, if nothing else.

Overall, this was an enjoyable look into the making of a very seminal film franchise. A shame it didn’t have more, but what can you do?



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 114

One Piece Water Seven 37-38-39 by Eiichiro Oda.

The first omnibus volume of the Water Seven arc of One Piece was exciting enough, a showing of how good the series can truly get. But would the second omnibus volume maintain that quality? Or would it sink without a trace?

Cipher Pol 9, the ruthless and secretive assassin organisation working for the World Government, have wreaked havoc on Water Seven, all in the name of stealing the plans for Pluton, an ancient battleship of devastating power. And the Strawhat Pirates are a house divided, with Robin forced to work for CP9, and Usopp having left the Strawhats over the fate of their ship. Can the Strawhats and the people of Water Seven make an alliance in time to stop CP9 from taking both Robin and Franky to their fates?

As usual, part of the problem is the sheer surreal nature of One Piece. The weirdness and comedy can get in the way of the story, even at its most serious and dark. And honestly, Usopp making a comeback as Sniper-King is pretty cringey.

Yet this omnibus volume manages to keep up the quality of the previous volumes. More worldbuilding is related, the pasts of Iceburg and Franky is pretty interesting, and Cipher Pol 9 is shaping up to be an interesting group of villains. Plus, we’ve got high stakes, with not only Pluton potentially falling into the hands of the World Government, but Robin (shown to be coerced into helping CP9) and Franky are too, setting the stage for the next volumes.

This omnibus volume has turned out excellently. Here’s hoping it can keep this up…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 115

The Official Doctor Who & The Daleks Book by John Peel and Terry Nation.

Amongst the various out of print books I bought of Doctor Who, this one was one I hadn’t heard much about. Written in the dying days of the classic series, it was supposed to bring to light the most infamous enemies of the Doctor. But how would it fare?

In 1963, Terry Nation created the Daleks, a race of xenophobic aliens for a nascent series called Doctor Who. Yet the Daleks were a surprise hit that elevated both them and Doctor Who to dizzying heights of fame. This book tells the story of the Daleks, both offscreen and on-screen…

The book is somewhat dated, and it shows, not even having anything to do with the last classic series Dalek story, Remembrance of the Daleks. The ‘history’ of the Daleks given not only feels outdated, but doesn’t quite gel with the show even then. And honestly, the majority of stuff in this book has been done elsewhere, and better.

Yet there’s still much to consider in this book. Despite its outdated elements, the history of the Daleks portrayed here actually offers some intriguing ideas and explanations for some of the continuity issues. We also have some intriguing behind the scenes explanations. In addition, Terry Nation’s original outline for the first Dalek story, as well as for his pilot episode for a Dalek-centric spinoff, are also presented here.

Overall, this book, while decent enough, is very much a product of its time. A shame, really…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 116

One Piece Water Seven 40-41-42 by Eiichiro Oda.

The Water Seven arc of One Piece has turned out very well so far. But how would this omnibus volume, that finally reveals Nico Robin’s past, turn out? Let’s find out, shall we?

The Strawhat Pirates are storming Enies Lobby, the so-called judicial island of the World Government where guilt is predetermined, all to rescue Nico Robin. But the crazed Spandam, the head of Cipher Pol 9, has an ace in the hole: the ability to call down a Buster Call, a genocidal attack from ship-borne artillery. But when Luffy and his allies learn the truth about Robin’s past, how her home island and people were wiped out by a Buster Call for studying forbidden history, he orders a shocking action to declare war on the World Government, one that leads Robin to finally accept their rescue. Unfortunately, with the assassins of CP9 ranged against them, the Strawhats will be hard-pressed to save Robin…

Once more, One Piece’s surreal and bizarre nature works against it. In addition, the first and third volumes of this omnibus are mostly chaotic fight scenes that detract somewhat from this arc. And Usopp disguising himself as ‘Sniper King’ has already gotten old.

But those are relatively minor complaints. At long last, we now have a look into Nico Robin’s past, and while the flashback is extensive, it also is a great window into her dark past, as well as how far the World Government will go to cover up certain secrets. It feels like the story is truly maturing, and Luffy’s response is awesome. And some of the fight scenes are brilliant, with Chopper’s transformation into a hulking beast being as horrific as it is poignant.

Overall, this omnibus volume of One Piece manages to maintain high standards for this arc if nothing else. Here’s hoping the climax doesn’t disappoint…



Dec 7, 2010
BOOK 117

Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy volume 2, by Kei Azumi.

So, here I am with the second volume of Tsukimichi. But would the second volume of this isekai novel series improve? Let’s find out…

Makoto Misui, accompanied by his allies, continues his journeys through the new world he has been banished to by the narcissistic goddess who summoned him. But a brief encounter leads him to curing a curse on ruthless merchant Rembrandt’s family. Unfortunately, it also leads him into conflict with one of the strongest Adventurers on this world, Lime Latte…

As before, this story is filled with the usual isekai twaddle. OP protagonist, a nascent harem, cringy sex comedy, and so on. Plus, the plot doesn’t seem to be finding as much traction as I would have liked, instead focusing on a relatively low-key part of the story.

Yet Makoto, Tomoe, and Mio are enjoyable enough characters, which helps elevate things. And that Rembrandt has some shady deals and brought his misfortune on himself helps add a wrinkle to things. So too does the revelation about what the two heroes summoned by the Goddess in spite of the deal she had with Makoto’s parents are up to.

Overall, this volume wasn’t that great. The story was enjoyable, but the plot’s mostly absent, and it’s clichéd to hell and back…


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