Yep. Some other quotes from Detritus ...
Detritus (in extreme cold): “Of course! Superconductivity!”
Cuddy: “Wha‘?”
Detritus: “You know? Brain of impure silicon. Problem of heat dissipation. Daytime temperature too hot, processing speed slows down, weather gets hotter, brain stops completely, trolls turn to stone until nightfall, i.e., colder temperature, however, lowertemperatureenough, brainoperatesfaster.”
Detritus: “Swore ’em in, sir. Used troll oath.”
Flint: “He said he’d kick our goohuloog heads in if we didn’t join up and do what we’re told, sir.”
Detritus: “Very old troll oath. Very famous, very traditional.”
“You listen up good right now! You in the watch, boy! It a job with opportunity! I only been doin’ it ten minutes and already I get promoted! Also got education and training for a good job in Civilian Street! This your club with nail in it. You will eat it. You will sleep on it! When Detritus say jump, you say… what colour!”
Detritus: “Corporal Carrot says there’s some good buried somewhere in everyone.”
Vimes: “And what’s your job, Detritus?”
Detritus: “Engineer in charge of deep mining operations, sah!”
“Boys, if dere was a PhD in bein’ fick, youse wouldn’t be able to find a pencil.”
And, of course, Detritus's war on Drugs:
Slab: Jus' say "AarrghaarrghpleeassennononoUGH"