Tonyblack said:
Ohnhai said:
I got my UK Launch HB Masquerade signed to me with an ook! and then the rubber stamp
The cue was long and streched well out side the small book shop.. I got hungry and went for some chips... (damn good chips too.) walking back to my friends in the line I notice this small white bearded fella dressed all in black with a hat with an excessive amount of brim, and a scarf alking down the line towards me.
"afternoon Terry" I said " fancy a chip?"
"dont mind if I do!" he said, then thanking me he entered into the shop to make a start on reducing the line..
My ex-friend Simon who was in front of me took Good omens to sign and ended up with an isncription that read "Burn this book!"
Though if I'm honest the inscription I hold mot dear is the one in my HB copy of Ash: A Secret History by Mary Gentle. We had met up in Batista's coffee shop prior to the monthly Si-fi gathering. with the slight ashamed guilt of taking advantage of a friend I had dragged my copy with me to get her to sign it. She asked do you really want me to sign it? It's probably worth more if I don't. then upon asking me what I wanted her to write I said I'd leave that to her...
If you know Mary at all then you will know she has a wicked scene of humour....
I now have a book signed to me that reads "To Stephen, in memory of all those wonderful nights!, Muwa ha ha ha ha!. Mary"
As I said, an OOK! is good but how can you top Mary's effort ?