Well I'm glad at least the killer had the decency to kill them quickly (shot in the head). I once confronted a little s**t that was letting his dog torment a live blackbird after he'd shot it. He was carrying his rifle in public and he threatened me with it. The police response was impressive (helicopters and all), I don't know what happened to him after that
I'm OK with killing animals for food, after all the majority of us eat meat (how many of us have killed an animal first I wonder?). Killing for pure cruel pleasure is entirely different however, this is something that I abhor.
I do hope they do catch the guy responsible though, and that he gets a proportionate punishment (a hefty fine or a few years in the slammer)
last comment is that anyone who has ever visited China on a regular basis.. you would get an entirely new perspective on animal welfare, economics and poverty. This incident would pale in comparison..