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Feb 8, 2011
I don't know how many books we have in the house but it's a LOT. Then again... Chartered Engineer married to senior College Lecturer, and spending several months a year out of the UK pretty much cures you of watching TV, so I read a LOT. Got a whole shelf of Lonely Planet, Rough Guide and Insight Guides, apart from anything else.

I usually buy the TP hardbacks when they appear, because these days they aren't much dearer than paperbacks.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
rockershovel said:
I usually buy the TP hardbacks when they appear, because these days they aren't much dearer than paperbacks.
That's certainly the way I see it. They only cost around a tenner in Tesco - aand it means I don't have to wait. Of course, I always end up buying my missus a copy as well, so it's just as well they are so cheap! :laugh:


Feb 8, 2011
sounds like another "Vimes in Uberwald" book, set against the rediscovery of Orcs/Goblins living there. Origins of Orcs and their subsequent extermination, or near-extermination, as the "ancient crime" in question. Nutt and possibly Glenda Sugarbean involved in some way.

Good opportunity for closing out the Angua/Carrot arc, which I can't help feeling involves Uberwald in some way.

Lady Margolotta and Vetinari involved in some not-fully-explained way.

Possible opportunity for a throw-away line closing out the Low King/Queen arc.

Opportunity for some sort of reconciliation involving trolls and their culture, following on from Thud!

Then again, all good murder mysteries involve misdirection and false clues...


Feb 8, 2011
Tonyblack said:
Maybe Carrot and Angua will get married, move to Uberwald and Carrot can bring Law to the area as Commander of Bonk City Watch. :laugh:
this has been discussed in another thread, but my money would be on a bitter-sweet parting of some sort.

Carrot repeatedly oversteps the mark by arresting people far outside his jurisdiction, and being rescued by Vimes and/or Vetinari.


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
rockershovel said:
sounds like another "Vimes in Uberwald" book, set against the rediscovery of Orcs/Goblins living there. Origins of Orcs and their subsequent extermination, or near-extermination, as the "ancient crime" in question. Nutt and possibly Glenda Sugarbean involved in some way.

Good opportunity for closing out the Angua/Carrot arc, which I can't help feeling involves Uberwald in some way.

Lady Margolotta and Vetinari involved in some not-fully-explained way.

Possible opportunity for a throw-away line closing out the Low King/Queen arc.

Opportunity for some sort of reconciliation involving trolls and their culture, following on from Thud!

Then again, all good murder mysteries involve misdirection and false clues...
As far as I recall, the country house isn't too far from A-M. It's not in Uberwald. I don't think there are any orcs, only goblins, so I can't see Mr Nutt being in it. :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
In my experience - the books tend to have a whole lot more to them than the 'leaks' we get from Terry.

I was once sworn to secrecy (it doesn't matter now) by a fan who was told in complete confidence by Terry himself, that there would be a Troll in Thud! named Hardcore. Well there was - but if you blinked you would have missed him. :laugh:


Feb 10, 2010
rockershovel said:
sounds like another "Vimes in Uberwald" book, set against the rediscovery of Orcs/Goblins living there. Origins of Orcs and their subsequent extermination, or near-extermination, as the "ancient crime" in question. Nutt and possibly Glenda Sugarbean involved in some way.

Good opportunity for closing out the Angua/Carrot arc, which I can't help feeling involves Uberwald in some way.

Lady Margolotta and Vetinari involved in some not-fully-explained way.

Possible opportunity for a throw-away line closing out the Low King/Queen arc.

Opportunity for some sort of reconciliation involving trolls and their culture, following on from Thud!

Then again, all good murder mysteries involve misdirection and false clues...
I don’t think it will be an Uberwald centred book, as someone else pointed out it at least starts off on the vimes/ramkin country estates so it might be geographically a bit closer but I doubt it'll be another fifth elephant (and this is coming from someone who loved that book)

you might be onto something with the orks, I doubt the goblins will be a minor part of the story and the parallels are to strong to ignore totally, though whether or not Nutt turns up is very debatable. Terry did say that he's run through most of his story arc but that doesn’t preclude a more minor role in future books.

Vetinari will almost defiantly get involved with the plot at some level, that’s a given with any watch book. As for Margolotta being involved? Its just too early to tell given Terry’s knack for misdirection and twisty plotwork, but if nutt/orkage turns up I would put money on at least a passing reference, if not a little meddling from her direction. In the end as with so many Pratchett books it’s all dependant on so many different factors its impossible to make any solid theory’s just yet, and you won’t be exactly sure what’s happened until the very last page.

(edited for atrociouse spelling)
Jan 1, 2010
Jan Van Quirm said:
Goblins are orcs - feral ones (i.e. not as nasty as properly brought up ones) :laugh:

Nutt is a domesticated orc, perhaps a better bred one and maybe the start of Orcus Sapiens
Are they?

Until Nutt remembers he's an Orc everyone thinks he's a goblin which does not cause them to run away screaming - that suggests to me that the difference is more than that one lot are a civilized version of the other?


Feb 10, 2010
i think they share similarities, but theyre definatly not the same species after all the first orks were created from humans in much the same was LOTR orcs were created from elves.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
That's right. Orcs are warped from more than goblins, though goblins are their nearest relatives.

Tolkien's Orcs were traditionally (as per the Silmarillion) made from corrupted (by mutilation and necromancy in it's raised from the dead stance - not just talking with them) and deranged elves and various 'spirits', but he later changed his mind and wanted to bring a human strain into it as well - although he somewhat cocked it up because actually the human part of the genetics was supposedly done at much later stages in (officially at least) the Third Age of the Sun with the development of Uruks in Mordor (and possibly Dol Guldur) about 500-1000 years before LotR is mainly based. Saruman definitely bred his orcs from human stock much later than that.

In Tolkien (which is the template for orcs after all) goblins are orcs gone wild and 'diminished' as they're smaller and not as nasty as 'proper' orcs as bred by Sauron and his Dark Lord Morgoth from ancient times. So they're the 'pathetic' Moria orcs who pursue the Fellowship and help capture Merry and Pippin that the Isengard uruks (led by Ugluk) despise and push about, along with the Dol Guldur uruks (led by Grisnakh) who are the original uruks and much nastier than Saruman's lot - in that they're not as disciplined militarily.

Orcs (Yrch) are also called Daugs in Black Speech which means soldiers - that's the difference as orcs are specifically bred for war, whereas goblins are on a par with any other predatory being, but bred back into the mix when times is hard and also as the default retrograde if they escape from their Dark Lord. Nutt's background is with the latter - so ex-soldiers who are gradually going back to the feral state, remembering their origins as soldiers and as the terrible mutated descendants of 'noble' beings (if you can call Discworld Elves noble) who were broken and changed into monsters.

As a domesticated orc people, in their famous way of not noticing anything upsetting, put Nutt down as a goblin because he's so humble and browbeaten, rather than a terrible bloodthirsty full-blown beast of an orc.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
:eek: That's amazing! I know when I posted my last post that the next poster would probably be Jan - but she managed to post at the same time as me,

It's like using a summoning spell. :laugh:

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