SPOILERS Snuff *Warning Spoilers*

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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Let's try and keep this reasonably friendly shall we?

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. But by the same token others are entitled to theirs.

Lil'Maibe you have said time and again that you hate Nutt - you can't even bring yourself to say his name - we get that. We got it the first time you said it. That's fine. You are entitled to think that way. But some people think that it was an interesting and well written character. I'm one of them. It's a little frustrating to hear my opinion of the character constantly rubbished. But you are entitled to your view. If I, or anyone else want to question your opinion then we should be allowed to - shouldn't we? That's what discussion is about.

When a discussion breaks down into name calling, that's when I have a problem.

So please - all of you - keep it civil.


Tonyblack said:
Lil'Maibe you have said time and again that you hate Nutt - you can't even bring yourself to say his name - we get that. We got it the first time you said it. That's fine. You are entitled to think that way. But some people think that it was an interesting and well written character. I'm one of them. It's a little frustrating to hear my opinion of the character constantly rubbished. But you are entitled to your view. If I, or anyone else want to question your opinion then we should be allowed to - shouldn't we? That's what discussion is about.
I just constantly feel as if people try to force me to like something I have my reasons for not liking. Not to mention like people try to force an opinion or specific view on me.
I just feel really, really unwell. Rage is a way of self-protection to me. (Better than throwing up empty stomached, I'd say)


Jul 28, 2008
Nobody's trying to force you to like anything. But if you're always posting your opinion, shouldn't we be allowed to post ours? By your own standards, you're always trying to force me to hate Nutt. To hate UA. To hate Snuff (that book you're so sure will be a waste of money, very open-minded of you). But do you see me swearing? No. Because, bizarre as I might think your opinions are, they are still your opinions and you are entitled to them. Your delivery could use some work (for a writer you could try being a little more articuate, a string of f-words isn't going to win anyone over on this forum).


Sep 6, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Anyways :rolleyes: :)

I've finished reading Snuff again for the umpteenth time since I got it as I do with most TP books. :) I really really enjoyed it! Something a bit different from TP this time and I loved it. I found the story slower to get going and tbh in general, but I thought it fitted in with the setting of the book - the laid back, horizintal nature of the countryside. It was nice to see Vimes outwith the city and good to see how Sam is growing up.

I do think its a shame that Nobby & Fred are being written out but it was inevitable at some point.


Jul 28, 2008
I think a lot of characters are being written out, or more accurately, given their happy ending. We know we'll never see them again, but they'll be alright without us.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
polythenegirl said:
I do think its a shame that Nobby & Fred are being written out but it was inevitable at some point.
I don't think they're being written out at all. It just seems that in Snuff Pterry had to really force himself to find some way to work the rest of the Watch into it. The entire "mystery" could have been solved without the Colon/Ungue pot subplot.

However, just because the Watch isn't a major player here doesn't mean that the next Watch book (if there is one) won't feature the regular cast of characters more prominently.


Sep 6, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Hmmm... true. I kinda felt that it was their last showing but I can see what you mean abotu having to use them to show the Watch characters. I do hope there is another Watch book but I can't see it in their current format. I can see another City based book concentrating more on Young Sam which might involve a few of the characters but in general I can't see another "proper" watch book. Happy to stand corrected though as I :love: them!

Ooo... another thing I did like was seeing the "Watch" from another City :)


Dec 3, 2011

This is my first post here, so sorry if i'm going over anything already posted!

I just wanted to say how much i loved this book! I've followed the watch series from the very start, and I didn't think anything would come close to Night watch, but I loved how this book focused more closely on Vimes and his struggles with himself. Its nice to see Pratchett progressing the characters so much, especially how Sam Jr and Willikins are given much more characterization in this novel. I'd disagree with anyone saying that Vimes' character has changed, more that he's starting to realise how difficult it is to stay within the law and uphold the law at the same time, and his continuing fight with his demons, and even how he's beginning to work with them, rather than fighting them is very well done IMO.

Also, just to respond to peoples speculation over Colon and Nobby; I don't think that he's writing them out, more finally fleshing them out, and giving them a little closure within their personal lives, I.E that Nobby finally has found a place in the world where he might actually fit in, and that Colon may have finally become, almost fully, accepting of other species.

Sorry for the long initial post, i'm just glad to finally have found somewhere to discuss this, as nerdy and obsessed with Discworld as I am! :laugh:


Nov 23, 2010
I've just finished Snuff. I think one of my all-time favourite quotes from now on will be "Awash with tears, Drumknott, awash with tears"
I particularly loved Vetenari in this book. Even though he appeared briefly, yet his presence was always there - Alpha and Omega :laugh: I adored the Austen references, and the more in-depth relationship between Vimes and Sybil, and the poo......well, that just speaks for itself :laugh:


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Got Snuff from the library!!!!

Read it in two days (well the kids DID have to be fed and acknowledged occassionally!)

Loved it.

Would love to say more..... no time.... will at a later date.
Dec 12, 2011
Hi all, new here. I was a member of an old forum years ago on Terry Pratchett and just finished reading Snuff and really needed to talk to someone about it. Found this and have spent the last hour lurking. Fancy seeing Tony and Swreader here! I'm sure you don't remember me but I remember you guys from the old forum so I decided to use the same name I used back then.
Anyway... I loved Snuff, loved it, loved it. There were a few loose ends but I still loved it. It was better than any of his books since MR (with the exception of ISWM) in my opinion. One of my fave bits has to be the ones with Vetrinari and the crossword lady. HEE

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