Whoops, I forgot about the clacks introduction in TFE. Even further back, then.
I am not sure that Vetinari is a proponent of anything. A proponent is "a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action". Vetinari doesn't advocate or suggest any of these things, but he is shrewd enough to see their possibilities, and subtle enough to steer and guide the proponents towards what he wants to achieve.
As for Lord V and Moist, I'd have loved to see - for instance - what Pterry would have done with the tax system, if he'd have written "Raising Taxes", with Moist in the lead.
But now I have another question: is Vetinari a villain? If so, he is definitely not cut from the mould of moustache-twirling villains, so beloved of classic melodrama. I don't think he is a villain, because he doesn't act from selfish motives. Of course, he wants to preserve his own power, but so does any other politician - and not many of those have been called 'villains'.

Aside from that, though, Vetinari behaves more or less like a shepherd whose flock is the city of A-M - but not necessarily the citizens. I get the feeling that he genuinely cares about the city and wants to keep it going, even though the individual citizens are (or can be) 'expendable', if they threaten the city.
What do you think, hmm?