SPOILERS Snuff *Warning Spoilers*

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I am not critizizing those that give a positive review, I am critizizing those that give a pure fanboyish review. Those that don't care for the story, heck have read even less of the book than I and yet say it's awesome.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
LilMaibe said:
I am not critizizing those that give a positive review, I am critizizing those that give a pure fanboyish review. Those that don't care for the story, heck have read even less of the book than I and yet say it's awesome.
LilMaibe, I didn't create this topic but I would surmise that its purpose is to serve as a place where people who HAVE READ THE BOOK or are reading it now can make comments and discuss it.

Since your comments are adding absolutely nothing to this literary discussion, I would suggest you instead post your continuing criticisms in the general "Snuff" topic, which seems to cover a broader range of discussions of the book without going into a literary analysis. Or create your own topic, "Lilmaibe's Criticisms of Snuff and Those Who Give It Positive Reviews" and keep your comments there.


Jan 16, 2010
Pocklington East Riding Yorkshire
I liked it entirely for the fact it was better than UA by miles and very funny, darkly in some cases. Whether or not it had Vimes in it was a mere by-product.
The writing was superb as usual and the story moves quickly, so much so that I kept picking it up to see what happened next.

One small tiny whinge: was it worth bringing Fred into the story or was it just to get his sense of human prospective back on line?

Secondly and more important (to me at least), IS Nobby going to get married to a Goblin? He could at last find happiness without Verity Pushpram!

And lastly, that final sentance is a doozy that had me laughing out loud. (I am a great fan of Jane Austen).


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
meerkat said:
One small tiny whinge: was it worth bringing Fred into the story or was it just to get his sense of human prospective back on line?
I don't think it was. Considering that it was over a hundred pages before anyone else from the Watch makes an appearance, the book could easily have worked without any of the Watch people. Without a doubt Snuff has the worst use of the "supporting" Watch characters since the terrible Fred-as-Captain-Queeg subplot of TFE. My guess is that Pterry felt that fans would throw a rod if none of the other Watch characters were featured. Plus I think he wanted to get a little mileage out of Wee Mad Arthur's Feegleness.

meerkat said:
Secondly and more important (to me at least), IS Nobby going to get married to a Goblin? He could at last find happiness without Verity Pushpram!
One does wonder. Considering how Glenda and Nutt connected in UA, you sort of wonder why there would be any huge objection to Nobby (who is barely human anyway) hooking up with a goblin.

meerkat said:
And lastly, that final sentance is a doozy that had me laughing out loud. (I am a great fan of Jane Austen).
I have to totally admit that this one absolutely totally blew by me. I thought it simply as a pun and made absolutely no connection that Snuff was, in part, a parody of Austen and the 19th century English country novels.

One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
The other Watch members appeared for several reasons. Firstly, to throw a bone to people who aren't the most hardcore Vimes fans. Secondly, as I mentioned earlier, to write Fred and Nobby out of future Watch stories. Thirdly, as someone mentioned to further develop on Arthur's feeglness and Angua's promotion as people who didn't read Tiffany Aching would be unaware of the development. Finally, it was an opportunity to show how Goblins in the big city were doing and to give Vimes a way to know where the Goblins were being sent without him having to go to Howondaland.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
The other members are also there as a plot device. While Vimes is doing his bit, the others are essentially investigating the same crime. Using Wee Mad Arthur allows the reader to see what's going on in another part of the Disc altogether. ;)


Just a question: I heard elsewhere that in the book people discuss sending sam jr to the UU to become a wizard even though he has shown no magic skills.
Could someone explain that please?


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Tonyblack said:
The other members are also there as a plot device. While Vimes is doing his bit, the others are essentially investigating the same crime. Using Wee Mad Arthur allows the reader to see what's going on in another part of the Disc altogether. ;)
More a plot device, I'd say. The whole slavery/plantation thing could have easily been accomplished without the Watch and might have been more interesting had it been done with them. For example, if Vimes's ship had chased the slave ship (and Stratford) all the way to Howdoland(sp.) and Vimes had seen for himself the conditions there, it would have added another layer to Vimes' moral outrage other than the killing of the goblin girl (seeing the actual larger crime being committed in person). It would have also provided him with a far more clearer personal motivation for taking a run at Lord Rust Jr.

I get this feeling that Pterry (or his publishers) felt that he needed to include a few more Watch characters to appease fans.

One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
Seeing as I'm not the biggest Vimes fan but am a huge fan of the Watch, I'm quite happy that the other Watch members were included. Vimes going to Howondaland would have been nice because we'd see more of Howondaland rather than getting more Vimes.

LilMaibe said:
Just a question: I heard elsewhere that in the book people discuss sending sam jr to the UU to become a wizard even though he has shown no magic skills.
Could someone explain that please?
Contrary to what DaveC says the idea of sending Sam Jr to UU is very much present in the book. When Willikins is discussing Jr's prospects he mentions UU to which Vimes reacts in such a way as to suggest he wouldn't approve but but he somewhat begrudgingly acknowledges that Jr probably won't be a Watch officer.

One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
If he remains as inquisitive as he is now I'd say he'd fit right in with Ponder Stibbons group but as he's not the 7th son of a 7th son he's definitely not a wizard nor has he displayed any magical attributes


One Man Bucket said:
If he remains as inquisitive as he is now I'd say he'd fit right in with Ponder Stibbons group but as he's not the 7th son of a 7th son he's definitely not a wizard nor has he displayed any magical attributes

Err, if may ask this: You're not Ttias on the l-space wiki, are you?
One Man Bucket said:
LilMaibe said:
Just a question: I heard elsewhere that in the book people discuss sending sam jr to the UU to become a wizard even though he has shown no magic skills.
Could someone explain that please?
Contrary to what DaveC says the idea of sending Sam Jr to UU is very much present in the book. When Willikins is discussing Jr's prospects he mentions UU to which Vimes reacts in such a way as to suggest he wouldn't approve but but he somewhat begrudgingly acknowledges that Jr probably won't be a Watch officer.
Whoops... :oops: ... but it was disregarded by Vimes, but he does look to have a scientific mind in the making :laugh:


One Man Bucket said:
I don't think I am therefore I am not
Oh. Well, someone there basically said the same. (BTW: 8th's son 8th son on the disc, 7th's son 7th son is earth :) )

But what made me wonder: Even Ponder can do magic. Okay, we never see him do so, but we hear he can (see LC and even UA).
While it might be better suited for a different topic, this whole 'accepting non-wizards' thing Vetinari 'demanded' from the UU in the short story always struck me as odd.
Wouldn't that basically be suicide or at least a recipe for desaster?

One Man Bucket

Oct 8, 2010
As with all such changes I expect there'd be a lot of complaints, a dead body, a few skeletons unearthed and finally acceptance and a few people happier than when they started


No, i actually meant because of the residentual magic in the UU.
Not to mention what magic/technomancy can do in the wrong hands (AKA hands that only got their....err...hands on it because someone with no idea of magic demanded they'll be allowed to get their hands on it)
(Not to mention it's a bit unfair. I mean, Vetinari would never go and force the Assassins' Guild to accept people into their ranks that neither have the money nor are qualified)

It'd be a bit as if I'd give you a scalpel and tell you to do brain/heart/hand surgery and expect your patient to be alive afterwards.

(Apologies if you'd in fact BE a trained surgeon)

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