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Nov 13, 2014
Bristol, England
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

As I mentioned in my Introduce yourself post. I chose to read The Colour of Magic as a college project. I think I had read a sample chapter in a magazine before that.

2. What was your first Discworld book?
The Colour of Magic.

3. Will you read more?
Yes, and have in order, with a few sidesteps. It took me a while to get into Equal Rites after the Road Trip adventures of Rincewind and Twoflower.

4. Which one do you intend to read next?
I've just started The Last Hero. I'm also listening to the audio books in order. Thank you Audible :mrgreen:

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
I've always been into fantasy. Started with fantasy gamebooks (remember them?) and moved up to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and Robert E. Howard. So I had a background knowledge.


Nov 9, 2014
Russia, Moscow
Can I remember the facts? :) It was years ago but it was FANTASTIC! :)
I read "The Colour". But before that I played "Noir". They both were excellent! And I got "The Light Fantastic" so I read it too. And after that... well you understand. :)
I offered some books to my friends and relatives and they loved them too.
(Oh want to see a man who will say no emotions after reading Pratchett...)


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
Thanks for sharing it JamesW! In fact I still have The Last Hero pending to read… It's just the pictures… They throw me back… When you’ll finish it I’d love to know your opinion! :icon-wink:

GAN… It’s hard for me but I have to say it… I, I gave “Equal Rites” to a friend of mine once and she… She… She didn’t like it. :eek: Although 1) I think she wasn’t prepared to understand Pratchett’s genius or the most probable 2) she was a robot. Never mind, I break off all contact with her some time ago but now that I think of it … that was clearly another clue she wasn’t good for me. :laugh:

I have given pTerry novels to 2 work friends who I considered to be quite intelligent, one male and one female. The male is a retired policeman who has forsworn alcohol, so I gave him Guards! Guards! The female is a native of New Orleans (Genua) and claims to be fiercely independent, so I gave her Witches Abroad. NEITHER one liked the book. Both said they 'couldn't get into it'. Didn't get past the first 30 pages or so.

There must be certain personalities that cannot open their minds to fantasy literature. Lack of imagination, fear that they will actually enjoy reading 'frivolous' material, who knows. Finding out that one friend is a huge fan of 'Duck Dynasty' and the other devours self-help pop psychology books also dropped them down a notch in my opinion. I mean, it's OK if you don't like pTerry, if you can offer other interests that exercise the mind, but, well, nope. They are still friends; I still socialize with them; but the quality of our conversation has gotten stunted because I've realized that neither of them has much to say. Other friends who have read and appreciated pTerry, are much more enjoyable to spend time with and typically have loads of fascinating interests to share.

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
My friend from Estonia also doesn't get Terry's works and I know she is bright and loves English humour so I just think she hasn't found the right book yet for it to click. But I have a plan ;)

She is coming over again in January and I have put some of Terry's books including Guards! Guards! and Witches Abroad translated into Estonian in the guest room :laugh:

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
Mixa said:
In fact I still have The Last Hero pending to read… It's just the pictures… They throw me back… When you’ll finish it I’d love to know your opinion! :icon-wink:
Give it a go Mixa, I loved The Last Hero and the pictures really work for me in telling the story, you pick up on details that you may miss in the text when you look at the illustrations and in some cases (such as the dragon identification pictures) there is extra information that isn't in the text but is a fascinating addition to the story. The final picture of the Minstrel is perfect, exactly as I expected him to look at the end of his adventure :laugh:
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
The Mad Collector said:
My friend from Estonia also doesn't get Terry's works and I know she is bright and loves English humour so I just think she hasn't found the right book yet for it to click. But I have a plan ;)

She is coming over again in January and I have put some of Terry's books including Guards! Guards! and Witches Abroad translated into Estonian in the guest room :laugh:
Tis but a cunning plan Mad, and I hope it does the Budgie thing. ;) :mrgreen:


Nov 13, 2014
Bristol, England
Give The Last Hero a try Mixa! I've really enjoyed it so far. As Mad (or is that Mr Collector as I don't know you well yet? :mrgreen: ) said the pictures add a lot to it. I often go back and look at them because they are detailed and you do pick up a lot.

Some of the international covers are strange o_O But it shows what works over here will not work in different markets.
Nov 28, 2014
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

Libraries. Libraries are awesome. I was a SF and Fantasy fan and must have spotted the awesome old Kirby covers (two amazing artists called Kirby - what are the chances???) and picked one up. I was about 11 or 12.

2. What was your first Discworld book?

I *think* it was Equal Rites or Pyramids. My memory for reading books is dreadful. Within about six months of finishing something, it's like I never read it. I'm sure bits are floating around my subconscious somewhere but it is pretty bad.

3. Will you read more?

Definitely - I'm blogging my Discworld reread over here so I have another 26 books to read. It should keep me going for a while ;)

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

I started Soul Music last night, so what is next...Interesting Times I think.

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?

I was pretty much sold from the off. Both Equal Rites and Pyramids are fairly standalone novels so they are great entry points for a new reader. One of the best things about the Discworld novels is their accessibility. It obviously rewards those who read all of them, with the little throwbacks to earlier books, but aside from the likes of the Witches trilogy, you can pick up one and love it. Which is great.


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
Thanks for your recommendations Mad and JamesW… I’ll certainly give a try to The Last Hero. ;)

The Mad Collector said:
[...] I just think she hasn't found the right book yet for it to click.
I completely agree. Hooking to Discworld is just like hooking to reading… Unless you find your ideal story it may seem it doesn’t suit you. From my own experience, I had to try a few times with different books until I enjoyed Equal Rites.

But, you know, my ex-friend really looked down on Sir Terry. Without giving him a second opportunity she just branded him as mad and silly. :snooty:

Tonyblack said:
:laugh: Very interesting. By the way the first cover artist was Josh Kirby and then Paul Kidby - close surnames, but not quite the same. ;)
I agree with you Tony! Nice blog, by the way, pratchettjob ;) About Kidbies… They have always confused me… I though they might be brothers or something… :think:

Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
@Mixa!! About Kidbies… They have always confused me… I though they might be brothers or something…

There is the differance between the "B" and the "R" in their respective surnames.

Kidby and Kirby
Edited for the wrong letter


New Member
Jan 26, 2015
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
2. What was your first Discworld book?
3. Will you read more?
4. Which one do you intend to read next?
5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?

1 = I am a fan of Steeleye Span, and having watched them on their `Wintersmith` tour in 2014 I obviously became more aware of the novel, (I hadn`t bought the album previously though). After a bit of research I decided to start with the `Witches` series, and then continue with the Tiffany Aching books..

2 = `Equal Rites` (still reading).

3 = Most certainly !

4 = `Wyrd Sisters`

5 = I didn`t really feel the need to start right from the beginning, and I am finding Equal Rites very easy to read. I will definitely stick with the Witches series and then maybe read all the others chronologically.

Great Forum BTW - very interesting and helpful.. :laugh:

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