Oh, boy... *thinks* I can't remember when I first read a Discworld book. *thinkthinkthink*
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
By accident. I saw the cover on the library shelf and thought to myself, "Self," I thought - I call myself that because we were boys together - "Self," I thought, "that cover looks interesting. Shall we have a look at the blurb inside and see if it's worth reading?"
...and the rest, as the cliche goes, is history...
2. What was your first Discworld book?
Interesting Times. It was an interesting read (wordplay definitely intended!), but it got me curious as to where all these characters had come from. So, I decided to plunder my favourite bookshops for both new and second-hand copies of the books (second-hand preferred a-cos they were cheaper and I was, at the time, a
very poor undergrad surviving on various intermittent contracts). However, no cost was too great - and I devoured TCOM and TLF next, followed by the rest of the series. (I came to the series relatively late; IIRC, this was about 6 months before
The Truth came out in hard cover, and I had heaps of reading to do!!!)
3. Will you read more?
Now? I currently own the entire series, not including Strata or the Gnome books. I also have the first two "The Long..." books - I enjoyed the first book, but not so much the second. In addition, I own the mapps, the illustrations, (some of the) stage plays, quite a lot of the talking books (Stephen Briggs forever!!!

), the encyclopedias and quizbooks, the Tiffany books, the roleplaying books...
One thing you can say about TP's books is that they are never dull.

What more is there left for me to read of TP? Just curious.
Oh yes, and I've read the collected essays too... and been to a con or two...
4. Which one do you intend to read next?
The Atlas, followed by The Shepherd's Crown. It'll be a bittersweet farewell......
5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
Half-and-half. I started with
Interesting Times, which was pretty understandable as a standalone - however, it left me curious, and asking myself, "Who
is this Rincewind fella anyway?"

That led me to TCOM and TLF, and then on, and on, and on... etc...
*transforms into vampire Rath* Hope zat answer qvestion!