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Jun 3, 2010
Birmingham, AL, USA
Tonyblack said:
It occurred to me that many of the new members joining here have only just discovered Discworld and Terry's books. Maybe you've just read one and wanted to know more. Or you found the experience so intense, you wanted to share your experience with other junkies. :laugh:

I must confess that, as someone who has been following the series right from the start, it's a bit difficult for me remember what that experience of reading Discworld for the first time is like.

So - a few questions for new readers:

1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
2. What was your first Discworld book?
3. Will you read more?
4. Which one do you intend to read next?
5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
I just registered when I found this site today, so I hope you don't mind me answering.
1. My wife is a huge Discworld fan and got me into it by saying how good they are.
2. Hogfather was my first, because I had watched the movie, thanks again to my wife.
3. I will read them all! I adore his style and wit!!
4. I am currently reading Wyrd Sisters, so the next will be the next book in order. (After Hogfather, I decided to read them all in order of publication.)
5. I think Hogfather stands on it's own, and explained the Discworld adequately enough for me. I think when I get to it again, I will understand it a bit better. I did feel there was some background missing when I read it, but as I get closer to it, I am seeing some of what I overlooked when I originally read Hogfather.

Love the site!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Welcome from me too, TungstenGT! :laugh:

sheilaj said:
I got hold of Equal Rites after it was Book of the Week on Women's hour.
I have read them all. NISM?
Sheila, I remember reading that Terry was most surprised to be on Woman's Hour. He suspected that they thought his name was "Terri". :laugh:
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

My brother had a copy of Colour of Magic he never read ('twas a gift) and it looked lonely so I did for it.
That kinda answers question two and five as well :laugh:

3. Will you read more?

Yeah - I've read everything so far apart from Thief of Time which I skipped and I'm now saving it as a buffer, just in case >.>

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

I'm going to re-read Night Watch I think.


Jul 27, 2008
Tonyblack said:
Welcome from me too, TungstenGT! :laugh:

sheilaj said:
I got hold of Equal Rites after it was Book of the Week on Women's hour.
I have read them all. NISM?
Sheila, I remember reading that Terry was most surprised to be on Woman's Hour. He suspected that they thought his name was "Terri". :laugh:
well yeah but,not having dwarves in Roundworld, i think the beard was a bit of a giveaway :laugh:


Apr 25, 2010
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
I think it was my uncle saying he had read the fifth elephant, or it was my Dad telling me that they were in his bookcase or I picked up the wee free men in the library.
2. What was your first Discworld book?
I think it was the Wee Free Men. I took it out from my library, took it to Wales for the weekend and read it three times. On the third reading I managed to find a page I'd missed :p
3. Will you read more?
4. Which one do you intend to read next?
Either re-read Mort or Going Postal, or Monstrous Regiment - depends on which comes back into my local library soonest!
5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
It was fine since I started on one of the Tiffany books. But the other story threads are easier if you read them in order. Recently I re-read A Hat Full of Sky and it mentioned postmaster Groat form Going Postal, before I read that I missed it in AHFOS, so I'm trying to re-read all the books whilst reading half of them for the first time :laugh:[/i]
I'm new to neither the books, nor the site, but I'm going to chip in any way. :laugh:

1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

I'd basically read bare the SF-F&H section of my local library. I was getting spectacularly bored of Tom Clancy style thrillers and "literary" novels while waiting for the new stock to rotate in, so thought I'd have a go at one of those "fantasy spoof" novels in the garish covers, which that Pratchett bloke kept churning out, they couldn't be as awful as the Xanth novels, right? Best desperation grab I ever made.

2. What was your first Discworld book?

Reaper Man. I ended up reading it twice in one weekend, because the ideas were blowing my tiny, 13 year old mind. (They still blow away my tiny 31 year old mind, as well. :laugh:)

3. Will you read more?

I've read all of them so far and I'll read all future releases just as soon as they're published.

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

Just as soon as the World Cup is over, I'll be giving Unseen Academicals its first re-read.

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?

Like I said above, I started with Reaper Man, which might have been a bit of a blessing. Reaper Man very soon after the point where Discworld became a viable otherworld, rather than a convenient place to hang spoofs of Leiber, McCaffrey, Howard, Lovecraft etc., so once the little explanatory paragraphs at the beginning of the book were done with I was up to speed on the world building that had taken place thus far.
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
Just saw it at the library and thought it looked interesting. Plus, someone on another fan forum said that Rincewind was cooooool.
2. What was your first Discworld book?
Either Hat Full of Sky or Sourcery.
3. Will you read more?
4. Which one do you intend to read next?
Men at Arms?
5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
It was a bit confusing - I didn't understand what a Patrician was, exactly, so I thought it was weird when he turned into a lizard. Knowing how Ankh-Morpork is will help, and I think in the later books, they expect you know what it is so it's not as clearly explained.
Jun 22, 2010
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
Long story, actually. A couple of years ago I had had a boyfriend (not very nice guy, actually!), who was very into fantasy. He gave me Reaper Man to read. I didn't really get that hooked at first, I blame it on the book being in German, and before I had finished the book I had to return it, because the relationship was over. Nonetheless, I kept thinking about the book every now and then. About two years ago, I was browsing in an airport bookshop, and they had Wintersmith on display. So I picked it up, read the summary on the back cover, fell in love with the description and the rest is history.

2. What was your first Discworld book?
Well, the first complete one was Wintersmith. But before that was part of Reaper Man.

3. Will you read more?

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

Currently reading Thief of Time, next up is Men at Arms.

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
Actually, I found is surprisingly easy, considering I started with number 3 of the Tiffany Novels. I had picked up quite a lot of Discworld knowledge before reading, too.
I still haven't read Colour of Magic, because I just can't seem to get warm with Rincewind, because said ex-boyfriend used to play a Rincewind-based character in a pen-and-paper RPG and I keep on seeing him in Rincewind. :rolleyes:

Moon Dragon

Jun 20, 2010
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
Can't remeber, but very young. I was too young to be able to read it all alone (plus it was a translated version, so I found it boring) So my mom read the last bit aloud for me. I rediscovered DW much later when they showed the animated versions of Wyrd sisters (In english, thank God) and i was old enough to apreciate it properly.

2. What was your first Discworld book?
Equal Rites (DK translation).

3. Will you read more?
I want to read them all, is that enough of an answer? :p

4. Which one do you intend to read next?
Going Postal when I finish Nation :).

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
I think it was easy enough. Honestly, I can't really remember not knowing alot about the DW univers. (I actually haven't read CoM yet :oops: )

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