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Jun 23, 2010
East Lothian, Scotland
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

I borrowed Good Omens from the school library, fell in love with it and then proceeded to take out as many Discworld books I could find in the sci fi/fantasy section.

2. What was your first Discworld book?

I think it was Sourcery, but it was so long ago I'm really struggling to remember.

3. Will you read more?

Of course!

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

Moving Pictures.

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get

Very easy. I love how the narrative of each book starts with an introduction to the world itself, but still manages to be unique to every other introduction. I'm also a huge Douglas Adams fan and find the writing styles of each of them very similar, so I picked up on the humour instantly.
Jul 26, 2008
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
i discovered the discworld with the first video game on Playstation with a friend when i was 14-15 years old i think
after that i discovered that the book are in french too, so i try during long years to find...
And, in chance, during some holidays, for my 19th years, il find the two first novel !!!
It's the first time i read fo him, and i devoured them only in 3 days ! the virus is gone ! ^^

2. What was your first Discworld book?
The colour of magic in an pocket edition, on holidays
(i read them in the normal order)

3. Will you read more?
yeah, i have all the book in french, and i think i'll buy the pocket/small edition once again (i offered it when i buy the deluxe edition). The Tiphain's too and the dvd's (and the role playing game book, in french too)
Nation in english and good omens two times in english. I want the carpet people in english too

4. Which one do you intend to read next?
Making Money but not now (Monnayé in french), maybe in september of november. Unseen Academicals will come in October in France, but i deliberately taker some late

And you Tony ?
I don't see yours answers ?! 8)


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
My brother badgered me to read The Colour of Magic when it first came out in paperback. I've read them all as they came out since.

I'm currently rereading Soul Music (for the discussion ;) )

I don't know about reading them out of order as it's something I never did and also part of the reason for me starting this thread. :laugh:

Lewis Tze

New Member
Jun 28, 2010
West Sussex, UK
It's not a recent discovery for me, but this forum is, so thought I'd get involved!

1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

Having only ever read The Lord of the Rings, found myself in the school library at the age of 13 trying to find something that could be comparable - I didn't realise then that the book I would chose could define my reading habits for the subsequent 14 years, to this day Discworld books are the only thing I have read. I have since had spells of a couple of years where I go off reading - still bought every new publication hating the idea of not being up to date! As soon as I pick one up after a hiatus, I become re-obsessed and filled with desire to re-read ALL of them and refreshing my knowledge of the mythology, and here I am...

2. What was your first Discworld book?

Reaper Man!

3. Will you read more?

I can't bare the thought of missing out! I usually race through up to 5 books in as many weeks, then take a breather (usally instigated by starting one that doesn't grab me like the one before - my last hiatus came a few pages into Monstrous Regiment having finish probably my favourite - Night Watch.

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

Just about to start Making Money. Just re-purchased the Colour of Magic having found my original copy in too bad a state to read, very much looking forward to going back to it - the book is the same as age as I am!

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?

Beginning at Reaper Man worked well for me - as mentioned I went into it as a massive Tolkien geek - so the idea of alternate fantasy worlds posed no difficulty to me, plus it starts with its own nice explanation of what you need to know about the Universe in the following story. The next book I read was Men At Arms, having finished that I KNEW I was going to want to read all of the books (and could tell that there were things I wasn't "getting" so gradually bought the back catalogue...with the exception of some of the "stand-alones" I then read the series chronologically. I think it would help, if a new reader wanted to immerse themselves in the universe. I think the more modern books offer such a great sense of realism that - for me - works so well against such a surreal environment; and I think one can only fully appreciate this environment in earlier books. For example, how many novels has it been since Great A'Tuin was mentioned? Unless I missed it... site, glad I found it!
Jun 22, 2010
Tonyblack said:
I don't know about reading them out of order as it's something I never did and also part of the reason for me starting this thread. :laugh:
I'm kind of reading each sub-series (witches, watch etc.) in order of the Discworld Reading Order Guide on L-Space. Which always puts me into the dilemma of: should I read a Death-Novel next, or maybe a Watch Novel next?
I think when I'm finished I will read them in chronological order.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
It's certainly interesting to read them in order to see the character development. And you can also see Terry's thought processes at work. He'll mention a character in passing (for example) and then a few books later that character arrives - sometimes rather transformed.

Take Dorfl for example - he's mention in Soul Music, but as a zombie with a holy word 'on' his head and working in the kosher butcher's. Then a few books later, in Feet of Clay, he's a golem with his holy words 'inside' his head.

The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents are also briefly mentioned in an earlier book - although Maurice seems to be a man at that early stage. :laugh:


Jul 5, 2010
The Netherlands
I've only been reading Discworld for a couple of months but I've really been enjoying the series since the first book i read. and this forum look like fun so why not.(sorry if my spelling is sometimes wrong I'm just a teenager).

1: My dad has been reading Discworld for a long time. Although he gave me a couple of them to read i never really got in to them (maybe because i was a but too young and i have a little bit of a low concentration when reading books) But then my Dad showed me the mini series Hogfather and I was amazed by the story and how good the whole belief thing. so I started reading the books.

2: My first book was Going Postal

3: And I've already read 6 books ( when it really interests me I read really well.) and I'm now reading Unseen Academicals. and I'll definitely continue reading the series.

4: After this one I'd like to read Jingo because I really like the Watch

5: It was quite easy to get into the story after like the third book because lots of characters from other parts get mentioned in the books and it's fun to recognize them.
1.How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

Grown up up seeing the the colourful covers my whole life in shops. Now in my mid-twenties I finally decided to start reading when I saw Colour of Magic in a charity shop a few years ago. I found it a bit heavy going but fun and it took me around as year to get through as I was also reading the books of my other favourite author, Elmore Leonard, I know, completely different genre!

2. What was your first Discworld book?
The Colour of Magic

3. Will you read more?

I did.

4. Which one do you intend to read next?

It then took me a few months to read The Light Fantastic which I enjoyed more. From then on it only took me around 2 weeks to read Equal Rites, roughly the same length as it has taken me read each other ones so far, give or take a week, that I have read, in order, up where I am now, a third of the way through The Fifth Elephant. So that's around 24 of the books I have read almost non-stop for a year.

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?

I did start with The Colour of Magic, and I am glad I did because from reading later ones which are so rich with character development and background on the world it does give you the pleasent feeling of being part of it growing around you.


New Member
Aug 7, 2010
Ontario, Canada
1.How did you come to read your first Discworld book?

I've seen the books while browsing in book stores but never really took interest in them. This past week I decided to try it. I had picked up The Colour of Magic and I'm almost done. I should've gotten into this series alot earlier.

2. What was your first Discworld book?

The Colour of Magic

3. Will you read more?


4. Which one do you intend to read next?

The Fantastic Light is sitting on my shelf just waiting till The Colour of Magic is done.

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?

I started with Colour of Magic.
Mar 12, 2009
Darkest West Sussex
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
A friend lent me Equal Rites (I think - Either that or Wyrd Sisters) early in '91. I read it, loved it and borrowed the rest from him. Since then, I've bought most of them as they come out but have read all of them.

2. What was your first Discworld book?
See above.

3. Will you read more?
Bears, Popes, defecation, catholic, woods?

4. Which one do you intend to read next?
Waiting for September 2nd (or as near to as Amazon get)

5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
Found it very easy. I think I had read (in order apart from the first two Witches books and excluding Eric) up to Reaper Man within a month of picking up my first one. I have, in fact, only just read Eric for the first time even though I have had a 1st ed 1st imp for quite a while.

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