Well, first post after reading the forums for a few days. Not exactly a noob but certainly not ready to enter the Iron Dojo of all things DW either. Here goes anyway...
1. How did you come to read your first Discworld book?
Been working my way through the audiobooks as it happens - getting one a month from Aubible.co.uk - so I've not actually
read any (though I
am now reading Equal Rites as I heard bad things about the unabridged audiobook).
2. What was your first Discworld book?
Feet of Clay - weird place to start thinking about it now
3. Will you read more?
Yep. Listened to a few randomly at first, then found the reading order diagram. Went through all the Watch novels I'd missed in order, then all the Industrial Revolution ones. Just finished the Death series and am starting on the Witches. Also listened to both the "Ancient Civilisation" books and have to say both Pyramids and Small Gods would make my Top 3 so-far. Superb novels.
4. Which one do you intend to read next?
As I said, reading Equal Rites now, so it'll be Wyrd Sisters next I guess!
5. If you didn't start with Colour of Magic, how easily did you find it to get into Discworld? Did you feel that some background knowledge was necessary?
Still haven't got to CoM so not starting at the start wasn't an issue for me. That said, approaching them randomly was a bit bewildering. Reading them in order of the story arcs as I'm doing is much better. I'm glad I found the reading order guide; much help!