With Men at Arms being published immediately before SM I think that Ron's stinky little doggie is almost definitely Gaspode. He ran away from the nice family Carrot had found for him and so this is a hint of things to come for the Canting Crew and all in line with Terry's continuity programme ready for Gaspode to go onto greater things as the leader/guard dog of his own little pack of misfits
The bike sequence is based mainly on Dean but it mixes in other things including THIS!
Then there's Born to Rune which also links into the Steppenwolf classic 'Born to be Wild' fixating on the bike rather than the leathers
And leads in to ties with The Wild Ones movie with Marlon Brando as the biker gang leader
I lurve, lurve, lurve, the huge botch that Death makes of the "What are you rebelling about" feeder in not delivering the "What have you got?" comeback :twisted:
Actually I think Terry's natural genre's really as a stand-up comedian - his observational talents are truly stupendous

The bike sequence is based mainly on Dean but it mixes in other things including THIS!
Wikipedia said:
Dean was driving west on U.S. Route 466 (later State Route 46) near Cholame, California when a black-and-white 1950 Ford Custom Tudor coupe, driven from the opposite direction by 23-year-old Cal Poly student Donald Turnupseed, attempted to take the fork onto State Route 41 and crossed into Dean's lane without seeing him. The two cars hit almost head on.

Actually I think Terry's natural genre's really as a stand-up comedian - his observational talents are truly stupendous