Soul Music

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Sep 21, 2013

I don't understand a passage in Soul Music and I'm looking for clarification, it stems around the world "allegorical" which I didn't know what it meant. Upon checking the dictionary, I've failed to understand its use in the context of the passage below:

"I always used to say that, when I was alive [the skull]"
"When was that, exactly?"
"Can't remember. I think I was pretty knowledgeable. Probably a teacher or philosopher, something of that kidney. And now I'm on a bench with a bird crapping on my head."
"Very allegorical," said the raven.

Could someone explain this to me?


Special Constable
Jul 10, 2008
Pontarddulais - Wales
I've moved this to the Discworld Novels section for you. The reason you couldn't post is an anti-spam measure. The policies on this site prevent new members from creating new topics until that have proved they are human by replying to existing topics first. After your user name changes colour you will be able to create new topics.

Please go over to the broken drum and introduce yourself to the rest of the group.
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Hi Sunshinetrooper, as I see it. Allegorical meaning hidden depths, a symbolic representation or a deeper moral or spiritual meaning, the position the object or person finds him/itself in at the present time, and now I'm on a bench with a bird crapping on my head." which may be an apt situation for what he was/done when alive.

"Very allegorical," said the raven. A piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events.

Probably a teacher or philosopher, something of that kidneythat being a pun change it for kind.

Hope this helps.

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