Terry on the Radio

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May 20, 2012
Tonyblack said:
A four part adaptation of Small Gods is starting on BBC 4 Extra tomorrow. I will try and remember to post links to it. :)
So when is it on? - Never mind, I found it:
It's being run four times a day for each episode.

UK times: 06:00 AM, 13:00 PM, 20:00 PM, and 02:00 AM the next morning.
Dec 30, Dec 31, Jan 1, Jan 2 (and 2 AM Jan 3 for the last one)

USA times, East Coast: 1:00 AM, 8 AM, 3 PM and 9 PM
or 01:00, 08:00, 15:00, and 21:00

This link might help:
Edited to add: this one is better:



May 20, 2012
Having listened to both now, I think the adaptation of GO was better than the one of SG. I think it was just easier to understand what was going on in GO because much of it was familiar - cars, cities, countryside, suburbs, etc. SG required more description from the narrator in the first place. Then there were changes from the book, so just knowing the story from the book wasn't helpful and may even have interfered with understanding what was going on. If there are extra segments on the CD release, that might help, but at the moment I think I'd have to recommend the recorded books over the performances.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
:laugh: Yep! BBC's adaptation of Mort is very, very good. Of course it doesn't get in all the little puns and jokes, but then no adaptation can. The BBC is excellent. :)

In other news, I finally finished listening to the Good Omens adaptation yesterday. As I expected, it was absolutely superb. :laugh:

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