Sorry to dig up an old thread, but Wow, ty. I have saved the article in my text documents. I had a feeling he liked cats due to Deaths' reactions to cats and now it comes together. Nothing wrong with a good dog either, when I was little we had a Cat first, then got a dog. OMG what a comedy routine they were together.

We have a Mess of barn cats (outside) and two
completely neurotic cats inside the cabin who ... oh what would be the word... well, suffice to say that they are kept separate. What a chore that is too. One cannot stand Any other cats and the other is Afraid of all other cats but, for some unfathomed reason wants desparately to be friends or at least share the same space as the other.
Baby Bear, the fraidy cat will fling her Huge fat body at the door of Momma Cat, (see how inventive we are with names???) until my bedroom door opens and Momma Cat will then climb to the top of the closet cupboard and stay there until Baby Bear is forcibly removed. I
suspect that when we are not home, they play about and have far more fun than we can imagine.
Reading the bit about the cat sitting in TP's Drawer while he writes is a Hoot! I just adore the man, his wife and his daughter. Even More now.