The Buffy/Angel Thread

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Dec 7, 2010
Okay, not that I like Buffy or Angel, but I have to admit, without it (albeit through Dragonball Z Abridged), I wouldn't have my best conversation stopper.

Wanna know what that is?

"Bored now."


Dec 7, 2010
BatrickPatrick said:
Spoilers! xD
Buffy's been off the air for, what, nearly a decade? Surely there's a statute of limitations, particularly on a thread written by fans who have probably watched it twice over already? :|

Bored now. :p
raptornx01 said:
Bouncy Castle said:
I'm still upset that they killed off Anya.
Yeah, that was a shock
it wasn't just that they killed her too...they had to leave her behind

Quatermass said:
BatrickPatrick said:
Spoilers! xD
Buffy's been off the air for, what, nearly a decade? Surely there's a statute of limitations, particularly on a thread written by fans who have probably watched it twice over already? :|

Bored now. :p
And text-based humour claims another victim :(

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