The Caroc Cards - The Temple of the Lady @ DWCon 2012

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Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
:laugh: The wolf's actually a dragon but I drastically culled the source so I can see why you thought that mC ;)

The idea with the imagery for both is creation myths/culture with Yggdrasil, the Midgard Serpent (dragon or wyrm) and a Ring (as in Morgoth's Ring not Sauron as he had the whole world supposedly) :p

Thanks for the comment though - I've got both versions saved in layers so I could still do a merged edition if people think the more ethereal version works better, although the celtic man and the dragon in the first version will have to stay cut
Jan Van Quirm said:
:laugh: The wolf's actually a dragon but I drastically culled the source so I can see why you thought that mC ;)

The idea with the imagery for both is creation myths/culture with Yggdrasil, the Midgard Serpent (dragon or wyrm) and a Ring (as in Morgoth's Ring not Sauron as he had the whole world supposedly) :p

Thanks for the comment though - I've got both versions saved in layers so I could still do a merged edition if people think the more ethereal version works better, although the celtic man and the dragon in the first version will have to stay cut
Ooops.. :oops:


New Member
Jun 4, 2013
Erm, hello, sorry to butt in or anything but, erm, I was told about this thread by an acquaintance after mentioning I was working on a Caroc deck for next year's con, if you're still looking for artists I'd be up for it, I think, though I would be drawing in a more classical Tarot style to the submissions I've seen on the thread.

Looking at the cards on the first post, just one thing: The Star and The Pool of Night are shown as separate cards in the books, I believe, and possibly instead of the Wheel of Fortune how about the Butterfly of Chaos? Just an idea.
I like the idea of Rincewind as the Hanged Man, as it is a man hanging upside down rather than a man being hanged on the Tarot card, and Vimes as Justice seems right, and perhaps rename the card "the Law"? Other cards might also warrant re-naming to fit the Discworld theme, such as Hermit to Sweeper, and since the Caroc has thirty major cards there might also be room for some additions such as The Witch? Also I had Nanny Ogg and Cassanunda pegged for The Lovers, but each to their own.

I'd been toying with the idea, for the cards I'd been working on, of having the four decks have different themes -- wands are clubs, like a truncheon, so have the king, queen, knight and page of the wands suit as Carrot, Angua, Colon and Nobby, Octograms are the symbols of wizards so perhaps instead of king, queen, etc. have Archchancellor, Dean, Bursar and Ponder? Uberwaldian characters for the elephant suit because of the fifth elephant, and for Turtles, well Lancre is near the hub so perhaps Verence, Magrat, Shawn Ogg and Shawn Ogg (yes, twice because he has many different roles in the castle)?

Anyway, be glad to know what you think of the ideas and if you are in need of artists still.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Hi there Ross - always good to have another artist join up :laugh: Here's the link that's most helpful for you to contribute to the project which has moved on since the last post in this thread - it's been moved to the Games forum and is the sticky topic at the top of the list so you can't miss it! ;)

As the new Discworld Companion Turtle Recall has now formally listed the major arcana of the Discworld tarot I've done a suit to go with the 'generic' deck we used at the last convention but if you read on from the link you'll see that we're still using the thread as a showcase for people's illustrations for the character cards and there's no reason why you shouldn't do another set for the trump cards in the Caroc as well. The JPEG template we're using for the illustrations is in the opening post for the thread and you can skim through to look at the other designs we have so far - you can basically add as many of your own designs as you want :laugh:


New Member
Jun 4, 2013
Thanks, I see there's been a lot of discussion on the themes already so if anything is already decided then so be it, just wanted to chip in some ideas.

Incidentally on the subject of colours, do the different suits really need to be different colours? The symbols just need to look different enough to tell them apart I'd have thought, it's fairly easy to tell a turtle from an elephant or an octogram from a club/wand, assuming octograms are equivalent to hearts and elephants are equivalent to diamonds have those red and have turtles and wands in black?... sorry, I'm getting carried away again ^_^;


New Member
Jun 4, 2013
@ Jan Van Quirm
Oops, didn't see your post, sorry. I haven't yet bought Turtle Recall, I'll have to look for it but that's helpful, thanks, and thanks for the link to the other thread, I'll take a look.


New Member
Jun 4, 2013
@Tonyblack, Yes I only saw her post after I'd posted, as it went onto the next page, sorry, I'll have a look at that other thread.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
No - sorry Tamar. This is something we cobbled together purely for fans to play with (as a kind of card school with the other Discworld board games) for the UK convention in one of the venue rooms last year. We've not got any permissions/authorisation to distribute these in any way including and especially on a commercial basis. We just took 4 complete decks along to the 'Dicebox' room every day during the convention and had 2 tables going most of the time for up to 7 players a game and shared the room with the makers of Ankh-Morpork and Guards! Guards! who were holding ad hoc tournies for anyone who wanted to play a game.

I can let people have sets in PDF format to print up and cut themselves (you can do this on any home printer using 210gsm or better thick card). Go here for the 2 types of decks (traditional casino-style 13 card suits or Witches Abroad style with 8 number & 4 court cards per suit) and a choice of back designs. PM me for the PDF with your e-mail contact and I can get it off to you more or less by return :laugh:


May 20, 2012
Jan Van Quirm said:
PM me for the PDF with your e-mail contact and I can get it off to you more or less by return :laugh:
Sorry to be dense but how do I do that? There's a thingy on the page for sending an email but it asks me to tell it your email to use it.
Apr 29, 2009
Under Jan's name on the lefthand side of the screen, is an icon PM.

Click on that and send your email address to Jan, and she will send you a PDF back as an email attachment.

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