The City Watch books

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Apr 29, 2009
Angua was in GP in the scenes in the woods, when Moist went into a "trance" and found the money he'd buried there. There were a few Watchmen/women/dogs/vampires/trolls/dwarfs/have I left anybody out? in that scene.


Sep 3, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
Angua was in GP in the scenes in the woods, when Moist went into a "trance" and found the money he'd buried there. There were a few Watchmen/women/dogs/vampires/trolls/dwarfs/have I left anybody out? in that scene.
dats der bunny :laugh:

And adge is hopefully right.
Captain Angua will play a role in Snuff i'm sure. :laugh:

Beyond Birthday

Nov 11, 2010
The trailer for the movie has her say something about lunch, turns into a werewolf and kills some guy. Since Pip has seen this movie and says nothing like this happens I guess this scene was made to make the trailers more 'exciting.' In other news the trailer for the next Harry Potter movie involves Harry becoming a drunk :rolleyes: The entire point of her character is that she doesn't go out of control like that and, if she ever did, the Watch (specifically Carrot) would stop her by any means possible. In the trailer you can even clearly see someone else in the Watch right behind her!

"Wait, Angua, you're gonna kill that guy?"

"No, just trying to appeal to a general audience."


Sep 3, 2010
Beyond Birthday said:
The trailer for the movie has her say something about lunch, turns into a werewolf and kills some guy. Since Pip has seen this movie and says nothing like this happens I guess this scene was made to make the trailers more 'exciting.' In other news the trailer for the next Harry Potter movie involves Harry becoming a drunk :rolleyes: The entire point of her character is that she doesn't go out of control like that and, if she ever did, the Watch (specifically Carrot) would stop her by any means possible. In the trailer you can even clearly see someone else in the Watch right behind her!

"Wait, Angua, you're gonna kill that guy?"

"No, just trying to appeal to a general audience."
She has been known to pretend to lose control to instill fear. :laugh:

Beyond Birthday

Nov 11, 2010
AH. That explains it then, pip. I've only read on book featuring Angua so I'm not familiar with her methods. Makes sense, though. I was just worried that movie Angua was exaggerated somehow.


Sep 3, 2010
Beyond Birthday said:
Haven't seen the Going Postal movie yet so that's why I asked. I'll see it if I ever get to the book.
She is an intersting character. You'll learn more as you get through the watch books.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Hi Beyond and welcome to the forum.... its a good place... a happy place (run... run now... very fast...) KIDDING!!!

Beyond: where are you from... America? I am Australian and the trailer for "Going Postal" here also has Angua suddenly turning into a werewolfe and attacking. Its hype. No idea why they ever put that into the trailer... maybe to show off the special effects. I loved Guards! Guards! and I LOVE the watch series. (Pip you say anything about Seiko or Pulsar and I will come over there and shove a Citizen in places for which customs will need rubber gloves). If you like the guards you are going to love the witches. And yes DEATH is amazing. Hard choice to decide if I like DEATH or Vimes the most.... or Granny


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
I never realised the covers were different for the books in different countries. Anyone know where I can see the American covers? Why would they do that? Are there any others? I think we get the same as the UK here in Australia. (Then again they did change the Happy Potter title in America huh... Harry Potter and the SORCERERS Stone. Why did they do that? Americans don't know what a Phylosopher is? I have spelt that wrongly haven't I? Is that correct grammar? "spelt wrongly? POOOOH!


Sep 3, 2010
deldaisy said:
Hi Beyond and welcome to the forum.... its a good place... a happy place (run... run now... very fast...) KIDDING!!!

Beyond: where are you from... America? I am Australian and the trailer for "Going Postal" here also has Angua suddenly turning into a werewolfe and attacking. Its hype. No idea why they ever put that into the trailer... maybe to show off the special effects. I loved Guards! Guards! and I LOVE the watch series. (Pip you say anything about Seiko or Pulsar and I will come over there and shove a Citizen in places for which customs will need rubber gloves). If you like the guards you are going to love the witches. And yes DEATH is amazing. Hard choice to decide if I like DEATH or Vimes the most.... or Granny
Thought nothing of the sort . I swear.

Play nice :laugh:

And why choose. Love them all equally. do you pick a favourite child. o_O

Beyond Birthday

Nov 11, 2010
Well I mentioned disliking a Discworld cover so I must be from America. I think they just put that in there for people who weren't fans but liked the idea of werewolves attacking people. Yes, I'll probably read a DEATH book sooner or later. I might read Men At Arms before that, though, since I already have a copy. I also have Feet of Clay and my library has Jingo.

Thanks for all the welcomes.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
deldaisy said:
I never realised the covers were different for the books in different countries. Anyone know where I can see the American covers? Why would they do that? Are there any others? I think we get the same as the UK here in Australia. (Then again they did change the Happy Potter title in America huh... Harry Potter and the SORCERERS Stone. Why did they do that? Americans don't know what a Phylosopher is? I have spelt that wrongly haven't I? Is that correct grammar? "spelt wrongly? POOOOH!
Try Googling and then doing a search of Pratchett books.

You can also see a whole bunch of different covers from different countries by going to Colin Smythe's site HERE and clicking on the various links. ;)

Beyond Birthday

Nov 11, 2010
Well it was changed to Sorceror's Stone because the American publishers assumed that children wouldn't be interested in philosophers. The funny thing is now that Fullmetal Alchemist is out here in the states everyone knows what a philosopher's stone is.

As for why covers change from country to country it's probably for more or less the same reason. Maybe the cover for THUD! changed because the American publishers thought people wouldn't be interested in a Chess-like cover. I don't know, a lot of Moon-logic goes into these decisions.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
pip said:
deldaisy said:
Hi Beyond and welcome to the forum.... its a good place... a happy place (run... run now... very fast...) KIDDING!!!

Beyond: where are you from... America? I am Australian and the trailer for "Going Postal" here also has Angua suddenly turning into a werewolfe and attacking. Its hype. No idea why they ever put that into the trailer... maybe to show off the special effects. I loved Guards! Guards! and I LOVE the watch series. (Pip you say anything about Seiko or Pulsar and I will come over there and shove a Citizen in places for which customs will need rubber gloves). If you like the guards you are going to love the witches. And yes DEATH is amazing. Hard choice to decide if I like DEATH or Vimes the most.... or Granny
Thought nothing of the sort . I swear.

Play nice :laugh:

And why choose. Love them all equally. do you pick a favourite child. o_O
Oh Pip I love your posts. You have a warped and insane, "left of center" sense of humour akin to mine own.
Its true though: I never answer "fav DW book/ fav movie/ fav song" questions because I love so many.... And yes I love all my girls equally... even the little changling the aliens have substituted for my teenager.


Sep 3, 2010
deldaisy said:
pip said:
deldaisy said:
Hi Beyond and welcome to the forum.... its a good place... a happy place (run... run now... very fast...) KIDDING!!!

Beyond: where are you from... America? I am Australian and the trailer for "Going Postal" here also has Angua suddenly turning into a werewolfe and attacking. Its hype. No idea why they ever put that into the trailer... maybe to show off the special effects. I loved Guards! Guards! and I LOVE the watch series. (Pip you say anything about Seiko or Pulsar and I will come over there and shove a Citizen in places for which customs will need rubber gloves). If you like the guards you are going to love the witches. And yes DEATH is amazing. Hard choice to decide if I like DEATH or Vimes the most.... or Granny
Thought nothing of the sort . I swear.

Play nice :laugh:

And why choose. Love them all equally. do you pick a favourite child. o_O
Oh Pip I love your posts. You have a warped and insane, "left of center" sense of humour akin to mine own.
Its true though: I never answer "fav DW book/ fav movie/ fav song" questions because I love so many.... And yes I love all my girls equally... even the little changling the aliens have substituted for my teenager.
I apologise in advance for any offence i may cause in the future. Not that it will stop me :laugh:

Like you i do avoid the favourite book etc as i don't like choosing.

Sorry about the teenager trouble. We were all those bundles of joy once i suppose. :laugh:

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