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City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
From lspace wiki: "Infernal Zoth, the Undying Renderer. A god who, due to his essential nature and uncompromising job description, may well have reduced himself to small god status by remorselessly wiping out his believers. His high spot might have been in 1547, when the order of monks bearing his name were wiped out by fire, lightning and a highly localised earthquake. Perhaps they contemplated the essential infernal nature of Zoth only too well. ;)

The site of Zoth's former place of worship is now occupied by the Fools' Guild."
=============== :)

Reformed-Cultists-of-the-Ichor-God-Bel-Shamharoth Association => Nong

(Captain in the Agatean Navy; Luggaged to death) ;)

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