Just watched The Hobbit earlier tonight. Very good film, missing a certain je ne sais quoi that was in The Lord of the Rings, but otherwise very good.
Some observations:
*Is it me, or does Thorin seem a bit too much of an ar**hole? Understandably so, yes, but for someone who hurriedly re-read their copy of The Hobbit in preparation, he seems to be altogether too disdainful of Bilbo.
*Sylvester McCoy's Radagast was very different from the Doctor. Pretty good performance anyway.
*I've just realised that Martin Freeman (who is an excellent Bilbo, by the way) has portrayed three of the best loved characters in British literature now: John Watson, Arthur Dent, and now Bilbo Baggins.
*Barry frigging Humphries as the Goblin King. 'Nuff said.