poohcarrot said:
I agree with you about Wee Free Men, but enjoyed Hatful. I thought the weakest one was Wintersmith.
Every single one of them was great, but I must say that
"The Wee Free Men" wasn't as good as the two books to follow; not that the first one was bad, but
"A Hat Full of Sky" and
"Wintersmith" were pretty amazing!
If I have to choose a favourite... Hm, I'm not really sure, I think I'll go for the Hat. Wintersmith is a close second, mind you!
The Tiffany series are a great way for Pratchett to continue where he left off the Witches-series and he did a wonderful job! And although I occasionally get nostalgic (and with a tear on my face remember the good ol' times and Magrat and Agnes
) PTerry has introduced us to some GREAT characters - Miss Tick, Miss Level, Miss Treason, Annagramma and all the other witches, and let's not forget: The Feegles and the star of the whole show,
la creme de la creme, Miss Tiffany Aching!