LilMaibe said:
Have you ever met any politician who lives in the same reality as we do?
(on how many pages have we actually talked bout the book by now?)
That's an interesting question. We need a study involving a schrodinger quantifier, a relative dimension stabiliser, and a cucumber.
I'm guessing that the amount of politicians living in what we think of reality is less than 1%.
Now, back to
The Last Continent, hopefully without seeing connections that aren't there. Dibbler is homophobic, but that's also the way Monty Python's Bruces saw the world. And I quote from the Woolamaloo University faculty rules (which is also racist, so be warned):
Bruce said:
1. No poofters.
2. No member of the faculty is to maltreat the Abos in any way whatsoever—if there's anyone watching.
3. No poofters.
4. I don't want to catch anyone not drinking in their room after lights out.
5. No poofters.
6. There is no... rule six.
7. No poofters.
See? It's about how people in England see Aussies, or rather, country Aussies. Python and Pratchett merely play around with those preconceptions.
Australia tends to get the wrong end of the stick in some British humour. In the very first episode of
The Goodies, when Graeme demonstrates his rent-a-view picture window, he shows three locations with appropriate muzak. London gets approval, to the backing of 'Any Old Iron', and Paris, with a backing of some stereotypically French music, gets a giggle from Bill. But as soon as Sydney comes up to the tune of 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport', Bill Oddie howls "TURN IT OFF!"