Hey, guys! 
Finally finished The Long Earth today!
Only just now because I got the paperback in spring on its release (the only hardback novel I own is Snuff...), I've been reading consistently but not as much as much as when I worked in projection.
Plus babies take up a lot of time when I'm not working!
I liked the book a lot and can't wait to read The Long War next year!
It came at a good time for me, having just finished reading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy which shares a central conceit. Also I've been watching a lot of Fringe this year and was a big fan of Sliders on TV.
I love parallel/multiple Earth stories and expected this to be similar, like a Marvel What If...?
I was surprised and delighted with the plot, even if many of the previously mentioned archetypes were not wholly original.
Not having read any Baxter before I couldn't recognize his style but I could tell it didn't feel like a proper pTerry book but didnt feel that was bad. I liked the multiple perspectives, the humour and political angles.
I felt the whole thing did feel sketched, though, and could have been longer to develop characters and ideas more, sequel or no.
The story did keep me hooked despite the cliched characters and dialogue (lesbian ass.....).
I loved Lobsang, the trolls and elves and Shi Mi. Wasn't a fan of Sally's story, though, I hope she gets more to do next time.
That's all I've got for now. This thread hs been a great read today.
Finally finished The Long Earth today!

Only just now because I got the paperback in spring on its release (the only hardback novel I own is Snuff...), I've been reading consistently but not as much as much as when I worked in projection.
Plus babies take up a lot of time when I'm not working!

I liked the book a lot and can't wait to read The Long War next year!
It came at a good time for me, having just finished reading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy which shares a central conceit. Also I've been watching a lot of Fringe this year and was a big fan of Sliders on TV.
I love parallel/multiple Earth stories and expected this to be similar, like a Marvel What If...?
I was surprised and delighted with the plot, even if many of the previously mentioned archetypes were not wholly original.
Not having read any Baxter before I couldn't recognize his style but I could tell it didn't feel like a proper pTerry book but didnt feel that was bad. I liked the multiple perspectives, the humour and political angles.
I felt the whole thing did feel sketched, though, and could have been longer to develop characters and ideas more, sequel or no.
The story did keep me hooked despite the cliched characters and dialogue (lesbian ass.....).
I loved Lobsang, the trolls and elves and Shi Mi. Wasn't a fan of Sally's story, though, I hope she gets more to do next time.
That's all I've got for now. This thread hs been a great read today.