The Memorial at the Barbican

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Who's Wee Dug - I'd love to hear more from your personal perspective about what the memorial was like. Don't worry so much about the news announcments, I think the Bookseller and Guardian articles have those covered, but just let us all know what it was like experiencing the memorial...
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
I'm not back yet, so my reply is short.
It was a memorable evening very touching and emotional, Rob did a brilliant delivery all the great and good were there it was a privilege being able to attend.
Especially the news and the dialogue between Neil and Rob begging him to write Good Omens for the screen. :laugh: all in all an excellent evening.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Yep, it sounds like it was a good evening indeed! :laugh:

I've heard about the Small Gods graphic novel. (Incidentally, what's the difference between a graphic novel and a comic book, other than the fact that a GN is generally more grown-up than a CB?) ;)

I haven't heard about the others, though (except, of course, that I've heard about the fan-made Troll Bridge - that's been going on for yonks). ;)

So since I haven't heard about the others, and didn't know they were coming... I'm looking forward to them! Squeee! :mrgreen:
RathDarkblade said:
Yep, it sounds like it was a good evening indeed! :laugh:

I've heard about the Small Gods graphic novel. (Incidentally, what's the difference between a graphic novel and a comic book, other than the fact that a GN is generally more grown-up than a CB?) ;)
People who read comic books/graphic novels will tell you... there isn't really any difference. It's pretty much all about marketing. i.e. a mundane, non-geeky adult might consider reading a graphic novel but wouldn't stoop so low to read a comic book... they're for kids! (even though there's a LOT of comics out there that are definitely not for kids).

I haven't heard about the others, though (except, of course, that I've heard about the fan-made Troll Bridge - that's been going on for yonks). ;)

So since I haven't heard about the others, and didn't know they were coming... I'm looking forward to them! Squeee! :mrgreen:
Some of the announcements I *did* know about - Rob had let us know about them in confidence when he visited Adelaide last year to launch the Terry Pratchett Scholarship at UniSA. So I knew that Good Omens was closer to being made than it has ever been before (although I didn't know Gaiman was writing the scripts, Rob didn't tell us that), and that Mort had started development. Wee Free Men we knew about, as Rhianna gave Terry the first draft of the script on his birthday in 2014. The Discworld Encyclopaedia was something Rob was gushing about to whoever he spoke to, their plans seem very ambitious, it may run to several volumes! And he also mentioned he was going to spend much of this year finishing the biography that Terry himself started.

In fact, the Small Gods graphic novel was possibly the only project that he didn't mention to us last year! (although I suspect a lot of the film ones were very much in early stages then and have progressed a little more now).


Jan 1, 2014
Barcelona, Catalonia
Wow! That sounds like an unforgettable experience! :clap: I have been so busy I forgot about the memorial! I just had a look at some of the articles and there is lots of great news! :dance:

Thanks for the links!


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