The Thing

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Jul 28, 2008
Ooh! IMDB has a trailer for the prequel to The Thing. It's got the same name as the original, which I loved, so I'll be watching :laugh:

Warning - it's a horror film, so if you don't like them, you might not want to watch the trailer (although it's not especially scary).

Question - why does Hollywood prefer its scientists to be female? o_O
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
The original The Thing was a black and white movie from the 1950-1960's
This looks like a prequel to the one with Kurt Russell in it, if I recall they visited a Norwegian base where the creature was originally found.... the only human survivor was shot dead when He tried to kill the Dog as it ran into the US base.... good movie and scared the crap out of me the first time I watched it!! :eek: The Head with legs and crab like eyes was a total shock... that said the first black and white movie was quite good for the time....


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Dotsie said:
Question - why does Hollywood prefer its scientists to be female? o_O
Female scientists need to exist to fulfill the narrative demands of Hollywood cinematic cliches.

1. To have the female scientist who's smartly dunn up in a suit, hair all pinned back, and wearing glasses gradually lose the specs, lose the hairpins, and end up with half her clothes torn off by the evil thingamabob until the hero (usually some lunkheaded pretty boy) rescues her and earns the inevitable roll in the hay.

2. To have the female scientist look like a beautiful, but scared young babe-in-the-woods so it'll be all the more effective when the evil thingamabob starts chasing her (as must happen in all horror movies), until the hero (usually some lunkheaded pretty boy) rescues her and earns the inevitable roll in the hay.


Jul 28, 2008
D'ja know, I've been pinning my hair up and wearing glasses for years, but I've not been chased by any lunkheaded pretty boys or evil thingamabobs :(

I seriously wanted to work in the Antarctic for a while, but then Mr Dotsie came along and that put the mockers on that.


Jul 28, 2008
He's very pretty (in a rugged kind of way) - but he's not a lunkhead :p He also wouldn't save me from the evil thingamabobs, he'd remind me that evil thingamabobs are an endangered species, and to go easy on the poor bugger.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Dotsie said:
D'ja know, I've been pinning my hair up and wearing glasses for years, but I've not been chased by any lunkheaded pretty boys or evil thingamabobs :(
Well, we are talking about HOLLYWOOD horror movies, here. British horror movies may have different conventions. Maybe their female scientists get chased by evil, drill-wielding dentists (sorry, couldn't resist :) ).

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