Very interesting and of course the point is not new, it's too true to be, but I still wonder if he was the first one to put it in so many words, in such a clever way? Thanks for the Winston quote Penfold, I thought it sounded a little familiar. I like the bit in the book where William confronts his father and says "
the truth has got its boot's on. It's going to start kicking"
I found the whole scene one of the most exciting in the book, a proper show-down from which William exists a different man. He grudgingly accepts (with a little help from Otto

) the parts of his make-up which he shares with his father and sees how he can put them to
good use. And it's always fun to watch a someone grow and change through a story.
I had a feeling this book would be excellently observed (or even more than usual i should say!) what with Terry having spent such a large amount of his early life as a journalist. I found out recently that he has since admitted to making up some of his news stories at the time as a break from the monotony, which I found interesting in relation to how he writes about Dibbler's News stories. Saying that he has 'a knack' and 'imagi-', giving him some credit really.
I really loved the characters, especially Otto and his black ribbon imposed struggles... that bit "
Sacharissa breathed so heavily that Otto groaned and averted his face and started humming frantically
Which other books does Otto appear in please? I read about him in Thud! but you don't see much of him there...
Mr.Pin and Tulip of course, pure quality... Reading everyone here's thoughts on the potato was interesting. I thought that perhaps with the potato he was talking about a distilled version of the Christian idea where clutching onto ones cross around the neck and repenting is all that really matters when you die... When Death is asking him if he's really sorry ect? Mr Tulip's not the brightest crayon but he's a 'good honest thug' which is maybe why he get to come back as a good honest woodworm? Mr.Pin on the other hand exclaims to death that he's sorry without really thinking about it or meaning it, doesn't he? So I thought maybe that's why he came back as a the potato... to
fry :twisted:
Something else I really liked was the whole dog theme. When he's off to see a 'man about a dog' and then quite a bit later 'a dog about a man'. And how in the end he manages to make: 'DOG BITES MAN' news after all, relating back to his little chat with Vimes. Gaspode is great too, is he in many other books? I could just imagine him disguised as a poodle
Didn't get the 'Deep bone' code name though?
All in all I thought it was an excellent book and I even look forward to re-reading it at some point, I just know I will lots more out of it when I have read more books set in Ankh Morpork, as at this moment the only other is Thud. Now I'm off to start reading the copy of The Colour of Magic that I picked up the other day. I think it will be interesting to jump from the 25th book to the first and see in what ways the writing has changed.