The Unadulterated Cat

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Well Terry is supposedly going to write a third Moist book called Raising Taxes - maybe he should get in contact with Obama and co. :laugh:

Welcome to the site baruch menachem. :laugh:


New Member
Mar 29, 2009
Tonyblack said:
I discovered some time back that this book was never published in the US
I have searched for this book online and have found 2 different covers - are they the same or different versions


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
As far as I know there is just the one version - but with different covers. I mean the content of the books is the same. I've seen at least four different covers. It seems to be a book that gets released every so often with a new cover.

Have a look at all the reissues here on Colin Smythe's site (click on 'Other Works' and 'Unadulterated Cat'.)

Welcome to the site werecat. :laugh:


Nov 19, 2009
Just managed to get my hands on a copy recently and as I have lived with cats for about 12 years, I can only applaud TP for his insights in how a real cat "works" (.. in the absence of a better word in my mind right now)

So I deem this book the best present ever for any cat owner in Your circle of friends and/or family. If You want to make even more of an impression, add a couple of Gilbert Shelton's comics about Fat Freddy's Cat to the present. Any owner of a "real cat" - a.k.a. a "real catowner" "pink blob" or "can opener" - will love you for it.

*moves into memory lane about Minka, who thought of putting half a rabbit besides my cushion (.. lower half, to be exact.. kinda godfatherous feeling for me.. luckily she weighed only about three pounds, so the neighbour's horse was out of reach for her ..) or sitting on my shoulder (.. while I slept on my side ..) and drooling purringly into my ear or holding my hand with her claws just barely not piercing my skin while giving her a belly-rub (.. and don't You DARE try to stop, pink blob ..) as signs of her affection*

Ah, the joys of being a catowner..
Tonyblack said: said:
just had a thought , do we allow borg on the site!!! mind u if you look like seven of nine your welcome :laugh:
Bjorn is welcome here any time. :)
Jeri is hot, and That is from a married, with children chick.

*Rolls up a newspaper and waves it threateningly in Arizona's general direction* :twisted:
Apr 29, 2009
VesuvianRuin said:
I've never been able to get a copy but i suppose being a dog-person I haven't really tried even though it's a PTerry.

I'm more a fan of the fabulous Gaspode The Wonder Dog!
£5.99 on

Just ordered it!! :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Penfold said:
This is one of my favourite non-discworld books and one that never gets returned after I've lent it out! Anyway, here are a selection of Real Cats for you to enjoy. (Any cats 'following the script' from the book is purely coincidental - I think)
Some really good clips there! :laugh:
We have a truly Unadulterated Cat on our farm. Her name is Tigerlily, after the indian princess in Peter Pan. She is the Undisputed Queen of the farm and paintball field. She has survived fights where almost 1/4 of her fur has been ripped off by vicious racoons. If you think racoons are cute, then you have Not met a Real Country Racoon. She IS the Female version of Greebo. She used to have 4 to 5 successful litters of 4 to 6 kittens each year, who would ALL survive, which is not normal with barn cats.

We got her fixed after we wound up with 27 cats outside. It was unreal. We take good care of them, they have a heated "cathouse" all winter, a Heated water dish, and plenty of food. 27 was tooooo many.

Now she moves from the house ... her Winter home ... to the paintball field as soon as spring is in the air. She is a Huntress bar none. If and when she walks to the tall grass, you can bet that within two or three minutes later, there will be something in her jaws on the way back. If there were a bear... She would take it on. She is as Wicked as a badger, and she LOVES baby animals. She was limping once, and the paintballers felt sorry for her, I told them not to be, it was a sign that a Momma bird found her at the nest!!! It helps to keep the mice down in the winter and rabbits under control in the summer lol. Greebette should be her name.
Terry says it perfectly in Wintersmith, "Kittens look at everything with wide-eyed amazement". I love the little white kitten Meep, the way she figured out how to make the cornucopia pop out chickens was hilarious!!! Kittens are absolutely adorable, and we always have a crop of them each year, so I know how much fun they can be.

It is neat when the non-feral ones have them near the porch where I can befriend them early. Sometimes the mommas bring them over to me when I am outside to introduce them to me. This is when they are ready to mate again usually lol... I suppose that makes me the surrogate mom, until they grow up. :laugh:

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